SafeCast drive in the US Pacific Northwest

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Richard Wood

Jun 18, 2018, 4:11:40 PM6/18/18
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support
I recently did two segments related to a tour offered by the US Park Service to the former DOE Hanford Reactor B in Richland Washington as part of records 36461 and 36484. They were recently added to the base map and that shows the results of averaging the data in an area. This is an important statistical technique for this type of information.
What I got from looking at the two days?
The overall average counts per minute was 33 on the first tour day and 31cpm the next, this changed the base of all measurements and kept the second day from higher reading but the meter saw noise just the colors are more muted, these are patterns not seen elsewhere in my travels.  I repeated the tour because of the first day results, you need this flexibility and the data leading in and out.
The use of CP5 is unique to many folks, the system multiplies that number times twelve for the CPMinute number for that point. If these numbers were 60 second counts I would have to stand still for very long periods to make any sense of it.
The meter was on my van at two meters outside, on my hip walking or inside window pointing left on the tour. I put two meter height as the bulk of the data was that height, 1 on my hip and three on the bus. This is gamma moslty reading, water mutes it.  Unless glass is hardened it does not do much.
The GPS on the first day worked inside and out of the building and was pretty accurate, but the second day has me out of bounds and that never happened. I did turn the meter to places of interest.
I had to look at little data and big data, Thank you SafeCast, again. 

Pretty sure the meter is working like it was designed, still testing. Hope hints and tips are in there, ProTips not sure and if you have, share.  When I get to QGIS I'll do something too, on the list.

These are my thoughts on this trip, the site is amazing and amazing. LIGO sits nearby some of the roots of it's science and measurement technology

Lugul banda

Jun 23, 2018, 4:25:28 AM6/23/18
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support
first of sorry about my english iam not very used to it,

i never upload measurements i do inside buildings for the world map, 1. because u have natural higher radiation in every building cuz of natural radon gas from the earth core,

but u can see in both measurements, that, the GPS is not working good, inside the building so the position shifts around, depending on how many sattelites u have the accuracy depends...

also the type of the antenna does a thing to the position...

gps location is a difficult thint its accurate if u move a straight line, so the algorithm gets ur hight speed and direction, but inside a building, u move short parts, or stand still, then the algorithm gets trouble mathing up the last position to the new..

 allways remember the sattlites and the earth are on the move, even if u stand still, the gps is moving depending on its accuracy and availible sattleites to do the math, if blocked by walls gps is shifting around,   for positions of interest, inside of buildings, i never use the log option

 i log only outside on the car, but sometimes i forget to shut it down if i enter a hous, then i get the same gps shifting like u have...

i think the sensor regotniced something because the 2 red dots are only 5 seconds away from eachother, and iam very shure the device hasnt moved much in that time like the GPS shows...

just remember the device is ok for measuring all around radiation drifting through the air, but direction and ankle of the sensor can make a difference in the measurement, i cant tell u how much the difference is, but i know some people do the mesuring with the sensor facing down, 

but regardless of anything a red dot is what i expect from a reactor, so a few dots wouldn wounder my, iam only surpriced that the surounding looks like that.. i was expecting something like this...

Lugul banda

Jun 23, 2018, 4:42:27 AM6/23/18
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support

Lugul banda

Jun 23, 2018, 4:46:15 AM6/23/18
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support*FgVuS-3FJxfuq90HfGv4LA.gif 

think this picture explains the best why u have sometims so much issues with gps, and remember u need min 4 to do a math, and 8 for a good location math .. 


Jun 23, 2018, 12:52:42 PM6/23/18
to Lugul banda, Safecast Device Discussions and Support
The GPS stability is related to upper atmospheric events, local weather means little to the GPS part. And You can find a .gov GPS site that details tests done and planned which can impact GPS.
Barometric pressure and humidity seem to effect overall averages, looking at a weather station to go along with me. We have microclimates that seem to make a difference? The sun seems no impact on trend data which Is interesting.
Good luck, relax and learn. The detector has an interesting energy response curve worth understanding. English as a second language is not easy, either.
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