1) The Syncronize only works from phone to pc safedesktop. If a made a
register in the phone and sync, the register go to pc safedesktop, but
if i made a register in pc safedesktop, this dont go to phone.
2) I made all the steps to tranfer de xml file, and when i choose it
in the phone to import, the phone ask if i use proxy...?? any choice
(y/n) and safe give me an error, and dont import de xml.
I made yet a big list of files in my pc safedesktop, and i cant put it
in the phone
Any help in any of 2 ways??
I saw that you discussed your problems in the Motoralafans forum
(http://www.motorolafans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12506). For me, it looks
like that some cell-phones have problems with special characters. Others work
pretty fine (e.g., my Nokia E70). As long as I do not own such a phone it is
pretty difficult for me to dig deeper into this problem because I cannot
reproduce it. However, I will start a survey to figure out which phones are
affected by this problem.
Are the other problems solved so far?
Best regards,