bug on safe 2.4.0

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Benjamin Huneeus

Oct 30, 2007, 12:45:25 PM10/30/07
to safe_and_s...@googlegroups.com
Hi, i download the new version 2.4.0 and works fine, but the option go
to doesnt work, tells me that "problem with opening the
recordstore.4..." all others functions works good an no problem. The
program after this error message returns to main program so its not so
"big" the problem only doesnt work.
If you need more info tell me, i happy to help you in this amazing program.

Best regards to all of you.

Motorola L6, safe 2.4.0

Thomas King

Oct 30, 2007, 1:16:09 PM10/30/07
to safe_and_s...@googlegroups.com, b...@elrecurso.cl
Hi Benjamin,
thanks for your message! To pinpoint the problem it would be great if you
could please answer a few questions:
- Did you update from a previous version of Safe to 2.4.0?
- In which form does the error exactly occur? Is it if you are in the settings
form and try to leave it by pressing "Ok"? Is it possible to leave the
settings form if you do not select the goto feature?

As soon as I am able to fix the problem I will release a new version of Safe.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Best regards,

Thomas King

Oct 30, 2007, 5:19:37 PM10/30/07
to safe_and_s...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,
the good news is that this is not a bug in Safe 2.4.0.

The problem arises if you upgrade Safe from a previous version. In this case,
the settings database might get corrupted and then Safe behaves like
described by Benjamin. A workaround is to export all your data before you
update Safe. During the update process please allow your cell-phone to remove
all application data (which includes the settings database). After the
installation of the lastest version of Safe is finished import your data and
everything will run smoothly.

I am currently working on a solution to make the update path easier to go.
However, I might take a few days until I am able to find enough time to
accomplish the task.

Enjoy Safe and SafeDesktop!

Best regards,

On Tuesday 30 October 2007 06:30:36 pm Benjamin Huneeus wrote:
> Hi, yes i update, i mean to not loose my data i overinstall the new
> version 2.3.2 to 2.4.0, and yes was in the setting options when i select
> the "go to" option and then tell me the error, then i select cancel in
> the setting options menu and return to main program without any trouble
> and conitnue using normally. If you need more info tell me and sorry
> about my poor english i speak spanish LOL
> Best regards
> Thomas King escribió:

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