First of all, you need a mobile device that is able to run Safe. So, every
J2ME-enabled device that supports CLDC 1.0, MIDP 2.0, JSR75 (PDA Optional
Package), and JSR172 (Web Service API (WSA)) should do the job. Furthermore,
you need an IP connection between your mobile and your desktop. The easiest
way to setup such an connection might be to use UMTS or GPRS to bring your
mobile device to the Internet. Further attach your desktop to a Internet
connection of your choice. Make sure that port 8080 of your desktop machine
is not blocked by a firewall or a NAT. The IP address of your desktop machine
is required to access it by the mobile device, so please use one of the fancy
graphical tools to figure it out, or just open a shell and type something
like ifconfig or ipconfig.
Lets proceed with SafeDesktop. Before you can start it, you have to install
it. The easiest way is to use Web Start. So, please visit and
click on the Web Start link in the download section (assuming Java 6 is
already installed). This will install SafeDesktop on your machine which means
a desktop icon as well as a start menu entry will be added and the
SafeDesktop binary will be copied on your machine. Each time you start
SafeDesktop in the future it automatically checks for updates and if you a
agree the latest version of SafeDesktop will be installed. After SafeDestkop
is installed a dialog shows up asking for the new root password twice to make
sure it is not mistyped. After entering the new root password, the main
window pops up. Creating, editing and deleting of entries should be
self-explanatory. To start the synchronization process just press the
synchronize button.
To run Safe on your mobile device you have to download it from the link
already mentioned before. After it is successfully installed, just start it.
After entering the root password twice again, a empty list shows up. Please
make sure that the root password on the mobile and on the desktop are equal
because otherwise synchronization will not work. Before the
synchronization can be started, the settings must be adjusted. To do so, just
press Menu->Settings. As soon as the settings form shows up, please enable
the synchronization item and enter the IP address of the desktop at the
buttom of the form. After leaving the settings by clicking on the ok button,
a new entry called Synchronize is added to the main menu. By pressing this
entry the synchronization process should be initialized. After finishing the
synchronization you can click on the done button of SafeDesktop to switch
back to editing mode.
Whenever you change the root password make sure you do that on both side. The
root password used for Safe and SafeDesktop have to be identical, otherwise
synchronization will not work.
Have fun and let me know if you need further help running Safe or SafeDesktop.