Phil Becerra Removal from Santa Ana City Council

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Jeff Dickman

Jun 19, 2018, 7:28:42 PM6/19/18
to, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, Sal Tinajero, Jose Solorio, Vince Sarmiento, Miguel Pulido, Juan Villegas,, Yahoo! Inc., Tish, Mike Tardif, Maria Huizar
Good afternoon Coucilman Benavides,

It appears you are exercising your right to recommend the removal of Santa Ana Planning Commissioner, Phil Bacerra.

I know Phil very well, both as an outstanding citizen and Commissioner. Phil is thoughtful, decent and honest; qualifies which you likely based your past recommendation to Council on.

I would hope you allow Phil to complete his term, coincident with your term, so he may continue to serve the City and its residents. The City very much needs people like Phil.

I appreciate you consideration of this plea so late in the process.

Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jeff Dickman
Historic French Park, Ward 2

Mike Tardif

Jun 20, 2018, 11:17:46 AM6/20/18
to,, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, Sal Tinajero, Jose Solorio, Vince Sarmiento, Miguel Pulido, Juan Villegas,, Tish, Maria Huizar, Phil Bacerra

Phil Bacerra was removed from the Planning Commission by unanimous vote of the Council.

There was no discussion of this by the Council prior to the vote.


The agenda item was held up for a Council vote for nearly an hour after several residents spoke on behalf of Phil.

So there was an hour between speakers and Council consideration of the item – very disrespectful.


David Benavides did not even have the courtesy to be in attendance for the speakers in support of Phil.

Do you think he was hiding?


Mike Tardif


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 5:09 PM
Cc:; Councilwoman Michele Martinez <>; Sal Tinajero <>; Jose Solorio <>; Vince Sarmiento <>; Miguel Pulido <>; Juan Villegas <>;; Tish <>; Mike Tardif <>; Maria Huizar <>
Subject: Re: [SantaAnaCitizens] Phil Becerra Removal from Santa Ana City Council



I would concur with the opinions offered by Mr. Dickman.  Moreover I am concerned that the precipitating factor for his removal is terribly wrong.  


Sent from my IPhone.

On Jun 19, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Jeff Dickman [SantaAnaCitizens] <> wrote:

Good afternoon Coucilman Benavides,


It appears you are exercising your right to recommend the removal of Santa Ana Planning Commissioner, Phil Bacerra.


I know Phil very well, both as an outstanding citizen and Commissioner. Phil is thoughtful, decent and honest; qualifies which you likely based your past recommendation to Council on.


I would hope you allow Phil to complete his term, coincident with your term, so he may continue to serve the City and its residents. The City very much needs people like Phil.


I appre ciate you consideration of this plea so late in the process.


Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.


Thank you,


Jeff Dickman

Historic French Park, Ward 2








Posted by: Bruce T Bauer <>

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Jeff Dickman

Jun 20, 2018, 12:33:41 PM6/20/18
to, Mike Tardif,,, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, Sal Tinajero, Jose Solorio, Vince Sarmiento, Miguel Pulido, Juan Villegas,, Tish, Maria Huizar, Phil Bacerra
It shows very poorly on David, a termed-out Councilmember, to be absent from his own agenda item which removed his Planning Commissioner.

David, you should have been present at the Council meeting to hear the public's thoughts on the removal.

I am disappointed with you, Sir. 


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