One Broadway Plaza Office Tower - Planning Commisison Meeting - March 23, 2020, at 5:30 P.M., at City Council Chambers

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Jeff Dickman

Mar 13, 2020, 2:29:58 PM3/13/20
Good Morning Everyone,

The One Broadway Plaza project (a 37-story office tower, with an 8-story parking garage) is scheduled for a public hearing at the March 23, 2020, Planning Commission meeting. Meeting location is at City of Santa Ana, City Council Chambers beginning at 5:30 P.M. See the attached flyer from the City of Santa Ana.

The proposed building site is at the northeast corner of Broadway and 10th Street, across from the High School of the Arts.

Since its approval in 2005, the developer has not secured sufficient business leases for its 550,000 square feet of space to justify construction.

The developer now proposes to convert up to 16 floors of office space to 415 market rate apartments (except for a very small number of low income apartments), in a effort to make the project viable. City's Attorney decided the change does require preparation of a new Environmental Impact Report, therefore the 20-year old study data will serve as the source for all project impacts, including those related to traffic, community and health.

In 2004, and again in 2010, Citizens for Responsible Planning (CFRP), a coalition of neighbors and neighborhoods from around Santa Ana, sued the City when it approved the tower project. A key concern is the 6,000 daily vehicle trips, and the impacts of such on area neighborhoods and residents. Despite the proposed change from partial office to apartment, the project will impact the Logan, Lacy, Downtown, French Court, French Park, and Willard neighborhoods. Floral Park, Park Santiago, Washington Square, and the Museum District neighborhoods will likely also experience One Broadway Plaza impacts.

What galvanized the community to sue the City is One Broadway Plaza's lack of traffic mitigations to protect surrounding neighborhoods. As a reminder, current City Council members Jose Solorio (Ward 3), and Mayor Miguel Pulido, both voted for the One Broadway Plaza project without requiring any traffic protections, leaving our neighborhoods exposed.

Please attend the Planning Commission meeting on March 23, to learn about the project, and to offer your comments. Besides verbal comments, written comments are also welcome. For now, send written comments to Mr. Vince Fregoso at

Feel free to email or call me should you have questions. Please forward this email to your neighborhood, association, or other community or organization lists.

Thank you,

Jeff Dickman
French Park

One Broadway Plaza Pulbic Hearing - March 23, 2020.pdf
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