The Newest Gem from Modi: On Gandhi

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Sukla Sen

May 29, 2024, 9:22:02 PMMay 29


Watch 1:38 - 2.50 mins.

Here, 1:38 mins. onward, he says, "Mahatma Gandhi was a great soul in the world. In these 75 years, was it not our responsibility to inform the world about Mahatma Gandhi? No one knew about him. Forgive me, but the first time there was curiosity about him in the world was when the film 'Gandhi' (made by Richard Attenborough. No, he didn't even attempt to mention his name. It probably would have been a spectacle had he done so.) was made. We did not do it." So, India (i.e., by implication, his constant bugbear Nehru) failed to project Gandhi -- severely impeded by a slave-like mentality -- the way Martin Luther King (jr) or Nelson Mandela (a name that was eagerly provided to him by one of his interviewers(!) when he was just fumbling) has been projected.

Just forget about the fact that at least about 80 cities of the world -- far beyond Indian borders -- are having streets named after Gandhi (ref.: <>).
Here is Martin Luther King Jr himself on Gandhi, back in 1959, pouring encomiums on Gandhi in no less than effusive terms: <>.
And here is Nelson Mandela, in 1999: <>.
Much before these two world leaders, the most famous is the pronouncement of Albert Einstein, in 1939: "Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." (Ref.: <>.)

In this context, also highly relevant:
I. <>.
II. <>.

For an overall perspective, also:
I. “He [i.e. God] does not reveal his cards, just keeps making me do things. And I cannot dial him directly to ask what’s next,” he [i.e. Modi] said.
(Ref.: <>.)
II. <>.

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