I'm going on a collecting trip to Texas and have friends with these fish available if you are interested

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Phil Farrell

Apr 30, 2018, 10:56:26 AM4/30/18
to Sacramento Aquarium Society
Zebra killifish (Fundulus zebrinus)
Rainbow shiners (Notropis chrosomus)
Rainbow dace (Cyprinella lutrensis)
Sailfin Molly adults in fresh water
A few darter species
Price depends on how many, most are between $4-$10 but no shipping because I'll be bringing them back with me.

I will be leaving in the 16th of May and be back the 29th of May. Payment must be made in advance so I need the list by the May meeting and payment in cash at the meeting or by PayPal before I leave. These will be wild caught fish but all will be collected before I get there on the 21st of May. I will be collecting some fish myself so if there is anything in west or central Texas you want let me know, I might find some!


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