Not quite a member, but looking to trade

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Jonathan Ashcraft

Nov 21, 2016, 12:07:33 PM11/21/16
to Sacramento Aquarium Society
Good Day, 

I have been meaning to get to a meeting to join the SAS, but I haven't been able to make the time.  About me, i am fairly new into the hobby, almost a year.  I have a small 10gal tropical community tank in my sons room and i have a 46g bow front of Cichlids from Tanganyika.

My 46g Bow front consists of 

Neolamprologus multifasciatus
neolamprologus brichardi
3 neolamprologus leleupi
2 neolamprologus cylindricus

Although it has been a fun tank to watch my heart is really with a more peaceful tank, and I am looking to trade the Leleupi for julidochromis.  I am also willing to part with one of the Cylindricus.  If anyone is interested in a trade or know where I can locate the Julidochromis locally I would appreciate it.  If your interested in a trade I can bring by the fish at the next meeting.

Thank you, I hope to be meeting some of you in the near future.

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