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Hillary Clinton, Bathhouse Barry, & Jeremiah Wright's "Gay Cover" At Trinity Church: 3 Gays Murdered "Coup De Gras" Within 6 weeks!

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"Travis Mitchell <

Apr 17, 2015, 7:49:55 PM4/17/15

Dr. Jerome Corsi has bravely broken the longstanding embargo on
talking about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” at Trinity
United Church of Christ here in Chicago. You can read his
article on this HERE, via WND.

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Like “Fight Club”, the first rule of the “Down Low Club” is to
never talk about the “Down Low Club”. If you do, you will be
murdered. That’s not a joke. There were a string of murders
from 2005-2007 that involved men who were killed because they
had knowledge of Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club and the
closeted gay black men who partook in the club’s orchestrated
cover-up of their homosexuality.

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In Corsi’s article, he talks about three of the murders
(including Donald Young, whom you may have heard of). I also
believe a string of bizarre assassination-style killings in
Boystown around that same time are also linked to the Down Low
Club…but these were white men on the north side of Chicago who
were murdered in their apartments by someone the police here
never would admit was a serial killer.

I moved to Chicago in the spring of 2005 and back then the strip
of gay clubs called Halsted was plastered with flyers warning
guys to be careful with whom they were bringing home since a
murderer was loose killing guys who frequented the bars in
Boystown; for those who can remember back to the 90s, this is
the same area where Jeffrey Dahmer picked up some of his
victims. Chicago was also where John Wayne Gacy (a delegate for
Jimmy Carter!) also hunted.

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FBI Witness Murdered Who Had Access & Was To Testify In
Obama/Soetoro Passport FBI Investigation.
Back then, Mayor Daley did his best to cover up the murders and
the corrupt, vintage media worked as a Ministry of Truth
(Minitrue for short) for Democrats, as always. “Nothing to see
here! Move along!” was the motto of the day, but it never made
sense why the killings just stopped at around three guys or why
those guys in particular were chosen by the killer.

In 2007, when Donald Young was murdered in his home around
Christmas I was already working on the Hillary Clinton campaign
and was told repeatedly by my black friends that Young was
killed because he started talking to people about Barack Obama
being gay.

Hillary’s campaign knew about Obama’s antics on the Chicago gay
scene where he was jokingly known as “Bathhouse Barry”. What
conservatives don’t understand is that Hillary couldn’t use
anything salacious she had on Obama because she needed the black
vote behind her if she won the nomination.

Hillary’s hands were always tied when it came to nuking Obama
with his homosexuality because if it was tied back to her then
blacks would be alienated from the Clintons forever since they
“went there” and “ruined” the first viable black presidential

There’s another reason that Hillary Clinton would never out
Barack Obama and it’s simply that — despite what the obsessive
Hillary-haters have felt for twenty-odd-years — the woman is
actually a very nice person who just never wanted to go nuclear
on anyone.

That right there might mean she wouldn’t have made a good
President, if she isn’t willing to dump her biggest weapons on
an enemy…but I will leave that up to you to decide for yourself.

Breaking => Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Partner Speaks Up ~
All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered
Within 6 Weeks.
Weekend Reflections: Obama And Three Trinity Church Murders.
To this day, people in Chicago are still scared about being
murdered for talking about Barack Obama being gay or about what
goes on at Trinity United with the still-active “Down Low Club”.
Young, gay, black men are mentored into the club and are
eventually paired up with often unattractive and difficult to
deal with straight black women who never have boyfriends (since
guys don’t want to have anything to do with them).

A friend of mine in the “Think Squad” of prominent black
professionals I talk to regularly calls these women “heifers”
and says it’s very common for “cake boys” to be paired up with
“heifers” so that “dummies are fooled” into thinking they are

Besides the Obamas, famous examples of this are Steadman Graham
and Oprah Winfrey (he’s gay, while she’s just plain nasty and
conceited), Star Jones and her gay husband whatever his name
was, Terry McMillan and Jonathan Plummer (who eventually came
out and left her), and Will Smith and Jada Pinckett (who are
actually both gay…which is really rare in these arranged
marriages because typically gay guys are not married to lesbians
for some reason).

It’s kind of hilarious that straight people can’t see this stuff
for what it really is, but then again for many years people
believed that Rock Hudson and Elton John were both really
married to women for love, too.

In retrospect, that’s laughable and crazy…but so will it be in
about 5-10 years when the truth about Barack and Michelle Obama
comes out as well. And it will come out, too, as soon as people
are no longer afraid of being murdered for talking about it.

Chicago is ruled by fear. Living here, people are terrified of
the City coming after them with tickets and fines for all sorts
of things. Literally, the City tries to trick you into getting
parking tickets by posting sets of signs that restrict parking
in ways more Byzantine and tangled than the logic problems on an
LSAT exam.

Then there’s the very real fear of ever saying and doing
something to offend an Alderman…who will often times set out on
a course of vengeance against you that results in all manner of
fines, your losing your lease, your business license being taken
away, etc.

These guys operate with impunity like mafia Dons in most cases.
If you run afoul of the Democrat Party here in some way, you
could lose your job if pressure is applied against your boss to
fire you…or you’ll just be beaten by goons hired by precinct
captains and ward bosses one day.

The police will show interest in ever investigating your
beating…or your murder if it was politically ordered by
Democrats or friends of Democrats. When you land at O’Hare or
Midway and see Al Capone’s face on shot glasses and tee shirts
just know that his spirit is very much alive in this city,
especially with Rahm Emanuel in the Mayor’s office.

Rahm is gay too. I have friends who have slept with him. And,
yes, he’s a total bottom if that’s not too much information for
you. For years, Rahm has exclusively hired little gay interns
who resemble the Hollywood stars that Rahm years for (if you go
to the Mayor’s office and see a lot of guys who look like Zac
Ephron hanging around, well now you know why).

Rahm’s also been very generous politically with his toy
boys…ultimately graduating many of them from his stable into
choice positions in law firms and brokerage houses by using his
political connections.

A lot of these guys are straight, too, by the way…but that’s
called “gay for pay” when good looking straight guys and gym
bunnies essentially prostitute themselves to older gay men for
the chance at gaining access to high-paying careers in a bad

You probably don’t want to know what some straight guys are
willing to do for a while to land big careers in Chicago. This
stuff has been happening for years and is very similar to the
way Hollywood studios are run. Very few big name male actors
made it to the top without being a bottom for a while on casting
couches “paying their dues” to the gay producers, directors, and
executives who promised them big things down the line.

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Rahm Emanuel is worse than Barney Frank in a lot of ways, but
everyone’s always been too terrified of him to speak openly
about the things he does. He’s sent people dead fish as
warnings…has screamed naked at people in the Congressional
gym…and here in Chicago as Mayor he holds the Sword of Damocles
over a great many heads with the ability to summon any number of
goons to persecute and harass people at will.

This is what happens when Democrats are re-elected to office
over and over again for generations in a city like Chicago.

All this will end one day, because if enough people ridicule the
likes of Rahm and Obama the fear people have will vanish.
Ridicule is the antidote to fear. Conservative writers never
want to touch these topics because they’re afraid of being
blackballed for talking about Rahm or Obama being blueballed and
jonesing for the old days when they could just head to the baths
any time they want and engage in the activities they liked doing
with other guys.

Take a look at Erik Erikson at RedState for instance. Do you
notice how he’s slowly readjusting what he writes to suit
Minitrue’s narratives now that he’s working for CNN and wants to
eventually be a full-time personality there?

When the big money is pushed in front of conservative writers,
they lose interest in writing stories that damage the Left and
instead think about all the cool things they’ll get to buy when
they sell out completely to Minitrue’s wishes.

I’m surprised Dr. Corsi has put everything on the line and taken
on the Trinity United story and the Down Low Club. He’s a
brave, brave man. No doubt, he’ll have speaking engagements
canceled and will have trouble booking himself on radio and TV
shows in the future because when you start telling the secrets
about gay politicians there are consequences for you personally
and professionally.

Minitrue will punish you…but other conservatives will as well
since they want to stay in Minitrue’s good graces (in hopes they
can become the next Erik Erikson).

A lot of the stuff that people don’t know is because Minitrue
doesn’t want you to know any of this…since it hurts Democrats.

But, it’s all there. Like I’ve said a thousand times already,
people talk about this stuff NONSTOP in the bars and gay clubs
here in Chicago. It’s not a secret to any of us on the ground.
Every black person I know has intimate knowledge of the Down Low
Club. It’s as well-known as the gospel choir and serves as
distinct and important a purpose.

Every black church has a “program” like the Down Low Club,
though few to none will call it that. Some white Baptist
churches have misguided efforts like this too…where clearly gay
men are pushed to marry the women in the church that no straight
men wants.

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This prevents the women from becoming spinsters and gives the
gay guys the beards they need to be productive (and
reproductive, in cases like Obama’s) members of society. What
better way to disappear the gay guys in your congregation while
simultaneously getting rid of the women that have bad attitudes
or are too ugly for straight guys to want anything to do with?

I know it’s bizarre to come to the realization that a closeted
gay black man is currently President of the United States…but
that is reality, folks. I’ve told you before that I had an aunt
who was in LOVE with Liberace all through the 70s and into the
80s…and even ten years after his death she STILL would not admit
the man was gay.

I heard from my cousin that it was only about five years ago
that she FINALLY took down the pictures she had of him in the
little shrine she’d created of his memorabilia (and sold it all
on eBay). There are older women I know who still walk around
brokenhearted over Rock Hudson.

In a few years, the teenyboppers of today will be doing the same
thing over Taylor Lautner, Zac Ephron, and Leonardo DiCaprio. I
don’t know why straight people have such a hard time sometimes
picking out gay guys…but then again, I’m oblivious to most
closeted lesbians so maybe it’s something that only gay guys can
spot in each other.

Trinity United has a lot to lose and will not respond well to
Dr. Corsi’s expose. I expect the blowback to be fierce. I hope
he’s ready for it. There are a lot of powerful and influential
black gay men in Chicago who had their marriages of convenience
arranged through Jeremiah Wright who will not want their covers
blown. A few Bears players. Doctors. Lawyers. Political
figures. Ministers. CEOs. You name it.

And, of course, the current President of the United States too.

But you already knew that.

Jefferson’s Rebels

Dänk 42Ø

Apr 18, 2015, 1:12:10 PM4/18/15
On 04/17/2015 11:45 PM, "Travis Mitchell
> ...
> Hillary's campaign knew about Obama's antics on the Chicago gay
> scene where he was jokingly known as 'Bathhouse Barry'. What
> conservatives don't understand is that Hillary couldn�t use
> anything salacious she had on Obama because she needed the black
> vote behind her if she won the nomination.
> Hillary's hands were always tied when it came to nuking Obama
> with his homosexuality because if it was tied back to her then
> blacks would be alienated from the Clintons forever since they
> 'went there' and 'ruined' the first viable black presidential
> candidate.

Chairman Obama is sexless, NOT homosexual. He was hatched fully-
clothed in a Manchurian laboratory, and his wife and kids were
purchased on E-bay.

Subcomandante Hillary hardly has to worry about alienating blacks.
She could be a purple Martian klansman and they'd still vote for
her just because she is the Democrap candidate. Actually,
Chairman Obama alienated blacks when he first ran for office
in Illinois: the residents of Southside Chicago did not see a
fellow African-American, they saw a stuck-up douche in a suit.
He later took speech lessons to help him "sound black," thus
beginning his political career.

African-Americans still don't see him as one of themselves, though.
After all, this is a biracial Kenyan-American who grew up in Hawaii
and Indonesia -- light-years from the experience of the inner-city
descendants of West African slaves he purports to represent.

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