"Farha" Film Screening; Psychospiritual Roots of the Israel-Palestinian Tragedy; Anti-War demonstration; “Israelism;” Red Shadows; Auraria Encampment; Solidarity trip to Palestine; Cease Fire petition; Decolonization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Local Groups

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Jan Miller

May 13, 2024, 3:18:42 PMMay 13
to sabeel-CO Google Group
Several events put together in an email from Gary Anderson:


Tuesday, 14 May 5-7:30 – live event

Maglione Hall (SIE 5025) Josef Korbel School of International Studies (2201 S Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80210)

A presentation of "Social Justice Solidarity Group" (SJS) and “Korbel Graduate Student Association” (KGSA) at the University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies.

May for Palestine: "Farha" Film Screening

Join us for the film screening of "Farha", the story of a young Palestinian girl during the time of The Nakba, the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1947-49 war in Palestine. 

 Stay for a facilitated discussion afterwards. Pizza will be provided




Wednesday, 15 May, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (MT)

KGNU Radio, 88.5 FM, 1390 AM, and kgnu.org/  

Alternative Radio: Richard Forer - Psychospiritual Roots of the Israel-Palestinian Tragedy

In Sanskrit, Maya means illusion or magic. Maya is at work among people and nations who project carefully crafted positive images of themselves. The U.S. and Israel are no different from other countries. They claim self-defense as they launch massive attacks. They invoke international law when it suits them then ignore it when it doesn’t. Then there’s always the standard line about our so-called values which justifies their actions. Most people don’t have a clue about Israel-Palestine because they depend on heavily biased corporate news. Instead, they cling to shopworn myths and fantasies about themselves and their country. The Gaza bloodbath is enabled by the U.S. Are we “good Germans” pretending to not see?       

Richard Forer has spent time in the West Bank and Gaza. He has orthodox Jewish relatives living in West Bank settlements. He is a former member of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the influential lobby. His recent book Wake Up & Reclaim your Humanity: On the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine, is winner of the New York Big Book Award.

A must if you want to understand the mindset of a pro-genocide Zionist.


Wednesday, 15 May at 9:00 am (MT) – Zoom presentation
The Impact of Climate Change and Environmental Degradation on Human Mobility in Honduras

Alianza Americas, in partnership with Secours Catholique Caritas France and Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC), are convening a webinar to discuss the report Free to Leave and Free to Stay, which details the impact of climate change in Honduras as a case study. Caritas France and ERIC are two allied organizations the work in global advocacy spaces, including the Climate Migration and Displacement Platform (CMDP).

The conversation will also explore the relationship between environmental degradation and forced displacement and migration. They will examine the concept of socio-environmental disasters and discuss the importance of prevention, respect for human rights during disaster responses and in the immediate displacement, and the impact on forced migration. The conversation will be rooted on how Honduras can support the needs of people displaced by climate-related events and the role of the international community in supporting this process, including advocacy opportunities.
 Register at: https://bit.ly/3UQEhxj


  • Elvin Hernández, ERIC
  • Yolanda González Cerdeira, ERIC

The event will be in Spanish with English interpretation available.


Saturday, 18 May, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (MT)

Broadway and Canyon, Boulder CO

Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center presents:

Anti-War Demonstration

Stand with us on the corner of Broadway and Canyon in Boulder this Saturday from 11am – 12 pm, as we call for an end to U.S. imperialism and war. You are encouraged to bring a sign, and signs are also available for you to use. A good way to meet others in the community and have honest human communication.


Saturday, 18 May at 7:00 pm

El Raton Theater, Raton NM

 The Colfax Las Animas Forum for Peace and Justice and the Colfax County Democratic Party present;

Film screening: “Israelism.”

“Israelism,” is a timely documentary exploring changing Jewish attitudes toward Israel.

The film, the directorial debut of Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, premiered at the 2023 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival and went on to win multiple awards, including an audience award at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.


 Monday, 20 May, 10:000- 5:00 pm – live event.

The Collective – Community Arts Center; 201 Public Road, Lafayette 80026

Red Shadows: The Crisis of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Relatives

 Curated by Daniele SeeWalker



Auraria Encampment for Palestine- information source: sdsdenver.com 

 Why Are We Protesting?

We are not okay with being complacent in the face of genocide. Israel is bombing and murdering thousands of people in Palestine. The majority of deaths have been civilians, women, and children. United States universities, corporations, and government bodies have been supporting Israel in this genocide, both financially and with statements of support.

We have gathered in protest of the three universities on the Auraria Campus, as they have economic interests in Israel and are financially contributing to the deaths of innocents. We have gathered in solidarity with protests across the nation.


 Jewish Voice for Peace Newsletter: Auraria Campus | H.R. 6090

 Following are a few extracts from the current newsletter by JVP Denver Boulder:

 In this week’s newsletter, we’ll provide updates from the local student encampment at Tivoli Quad as well as some context on the contentious “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”.

Celebrating Israel is shameful when the Israeli government is conducting a genocide in Gaza. To counter Jewish Colorado’s ‘Celebrate Israel’ event on Sunday, JVP Denver/Boulder hosted ‘Celebrate Liberation’, a day of workshops, artistic collaborations, and teach-ins celebrating Jewish solidarity with the Palestinian people at Tivoli Quad. The community-led teach-ins addressed Israel Bonds and the rhetorical complexities of antisemitism, safety, and liberation, while art workshops focused on song, weaving, and a 10 x 40 ft banner sewn from sheets that reads “ALL EYES ON RAFAH”.

 The full newsletter is at:



 June 11-17, 2024- travel dates. Sign up now

“How Long, O Lord?”: Disciples Solidarity Visit—Palestine

The trip is open to all who want to learn about the current crises in Palestine, express their support for the Palestinian people, and commit to return to tell what they have seen, heard, and learned.

Jeff Wright and his wife, Janet, have hosted alternative tours to Palestine/Israel for over fifteen years and served as volunteer Mission Co-Workers appointed to Palestine for over 20 years. Jeff is the founding and now retired pastor of Heart of the Rockies Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Fort Collins, Colorado. Janet, LCSW, worked with other internationals to train Palestinian therapists in the use of EMDR, a mental health practice treating trauma and PTSD.

 This trip differs from their alternative pilgrimages in three ways: it’s shorter; it won’t be visiting the holy sites; it will meet with Jewish, Muslim, and Christian leaders and organizations working for a just peace under extraordinary circumstances. The purpose of the trip: to offer our support; to listen and learn; to return and tell.

You will be based in Bethlehem at the Christmas Lutheran Guest House. Day trips will take you to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron, as well as the Bethlehem area.

For details contact Jeff & Janet Wright +1 (970) 217-3065jeffwr...@gmail.com


 Tell Pres. Biden: Secure a ceasefire NOW: A petition from Win Without War

Conditioning offensive weapons to the Israeli government is the right and necessary step to secure a ceasefire, stop an assault on Rafah, and get the remaining hostages home. We urge you to use every ounce of U.S. influence possible to end the violence and save lives.


 [N.B.: I disagree with the use of the word “hostages,” as this has become a code for the 100 or so Israelis held against their will, thus erasing the broader issue of 10,000 or so Palestinians held by Israelis. - GA]


Decolonization in Sub-Saharan Africa:

The Sahel Seeks Sovereignty

The call ‘La France degage!’ (‘France, get out!’), against the ongoing legacy of French colonialism in the region, has long echoed across West Africa. In recent years, this call has reached a new pitch of intensity, from the 2018 grassroots movements in Senegal and newly elected President Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s campaign promise to unshackle his country from the neocolonial monetary system of the CFA franc to the popularly supported military coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger and the ejection of French military forces from these countries between 2021 and 2023.

 Full article is at:



Local groups that you might want to support:


1)      Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project: https://bouldernablus.org/

The Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project fosters relationships through cultural, educational, information and trade exchanges, inspiring lifelong friendships that support prosperity and peace through person-to-person “citizen diplomacy.” We arrange delegations to Nablus, with an emphasis on service, host Nablus citizens in Boulder, produce Palestinian cultural events and share expertise between citizens of both cities.

2)      Center for Freedom and Justice – Colorado (CFJ- Colorado) Saving Beit Ummar: https://www.cfjcolorado.org/

[Personal note: this is the group with which I am most involved- GA]

Keeping hope alive is more challenging now than ever before. And while the world is rightly focused on Gaza, rabidly racist (We are God’s Chosen People) settlers have been wreaking havoc across the West Bank—in essence, a second front for the Zionists to seize more land while violently expelling Palestinians from their homes, destroying their olive trees and crops, arrests without charge, with many tortured in Israeli jails. Israeli settlers routinely beat the Palestinians, with killings on the rise—and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) doesn’t spare children. 


The mission of the Center for Freedom and Justice-CO (CFJ) is to find ways to aid Beit Ummar, the small farming community of 18,000 that we adopted 8 years ago. They are under siege by increasing numbers of these illegal settlers, who covet the land, and is a main target of Israeli military raids. Israel’s illegal policies are designed to make Beit Ummar unlivable. Our goal is the opposite. We aim to make life more tolerable until the world community demands that Israel complies with international law and ends its brutal occupation.


We will continue to shine a light on their struggle to live—and live free. You can keep up to date on the situation in Beit Ummar and the West Bank by following our website at CFJ Colorado - Saving Beit Ummar and our Facebook page at facebook.com/CFJ Colorado. 


CFJ Colorado


“You cannot heal from a hit on the head when you are still being hit on the head.”

Jessie Little Doe Baird, vice-chair of Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council, Massachusetts.


“… where are the antiwar liberals? They were numerous once. Recent polls about war and military spending show the same bizarre pattern of neatly reversed partisan attitudes we’ve seen with civil liberties and support of spy agencies. ...”

Matt Taibbi, 6AUG23 “Is America a War State?”  


They can't work toward peace in Ukraine because it will serve Putin. They can't work toward peace in Yemen because it will serve Iran. They can't end the US occupation of Syria because it will serve Assad. They can't stop military expansionism because it will serve China.

Or: Maybe they're just warmongers.

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