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SARBN: Listing Clubs

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Trevor Hardaker

May 27, 2016, 1:49:17 AM5/27/16
to SA Rare Bird News

Greetings all SARBN subscribers,


I will try and find some time over the next few days to update all the various listing clubs hosted at so, if you have not sent me your latest totals for the various listing clubs recently, please try and get them through to me by lunch time on Sunday at the latest, so that I can include them in the next update.


Please also make sure that your totals are counted up based on the latest Southern African checklist (version 6). For those of you that don’t have it yet, or have perhaps lost it, I have attached a copy to this email for you.


There are lots of people that have not updated their totals in quite some time, so hopefully, this will serve as a reminder to all of you to get them through to me. Also, if you do qualify for any of the minimum thresholds for the various listing clubs, but are not yet listed, please send your details through to me so that I can include you on them. All I really need is your name, your total and where you are from.


Looking forward to receiving lots of list updates and also lots of new members to be added to the various listing clubs...:)


Kind regards





Cape Town, South Africa



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SA list - ver 06 - 20160422.xls

Trevor Hardaker

May 29, 2016, 10:03:18 AM5/29/16
to SA Rare Bird News

All the various listing clubs have now been updated and posted to based on the latest information received from everyone. Obviously, not all members submitted updated totals and you will see by the dates who did and who didn’t...


Before a whole bunch of people come back to me to say that their updates were not included, please check to see that you are looking at the latest version of the particular listing club. Near the top of each listing club page, it will say “As of 29 May 2016, there are....”. If that date is not today’s date, then please refresh the page. You can do this by right-clicking on the page and pressing “refresh” or “reload” or whatever similar word your particular browser uses or you can also just press F5 which should do the trick as well.


Between the SA 700 Club and the SA heading for 700 Club, there are now 1186 birders who have submitted totals of over 500 species seen in Southern Africa. The SA Couples Club where both partners have seen over 500 species in the subregion has also grown to 201 couples and there are now also 116 birders who have submitted totals of more than 400 species photographed in Southern Africa.


The Kruger 250 Club also continues to grow with 154 members now listed as having seen more than 250 species in the park.


As to the provincial lists, there are more and more people starting to keep lists of various provinces and all of these listing clubs continue to grow. Currently, in order of number of members, we have:


129 people having seen more than 300 species in the Western Cape

68 people having seen more than 400 species in Mpumalanga

66 people having seen more than 450 species in Kwazulu Natal

54 people having seen more than 400 species in Limpopo Province

51 people having seen more than 300 species in the North-west Province

41 people having seen more than 300 species in Gauteng

35 people having seen more than 350 species in the Eastern Cape

15 people having seen more than 300 species in the Free State

12 people having seen more than 300 species in the Northern Cape


Why not count up your provincial totals and see if you qualify for any of these.


I look forward to watching all the various Listing Clubs continue to grow in leaps and bounds.


Please continue to send your updates of existing totals or new totals to be added to the various listing clubs through and I will try and do another update in the not too distant future.

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