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SA Rare Bird News Report - 19 July 2010

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Trevor Hardaker

Jul 19, 2010, 3:44:27 PM7/19/10
to SA Rare Bird News


S O U T H E R N   A F R I C A N

R A R E   B I R D   N E W S   R E P O R T



This is the Southern African Rare Bird News Report issued at 21h45 on Monday, 19 July 2010. Information has been gleaned from various websites, email groups as well as from individual observers who have passed on their sightings. This report cannot be taken as being totally comprehensive as it is based only on information made available at the time of writing. All bird sightings reported here are reported in good faith based on information as provided by the observers. Any inaccuracies are totally unintentional and the writer cannot be held liable for these. For those who may have only joined the group recently and are interested in finding out what has been seen in the past, previous reports can be viewed at


There is still some evidence of the AFRICAN OPENBILL irruption lingering with a single bird seen flying in a north-easterly direction over Delta Park in Gauteng late this afternoon.



As to the other news from the subregion, this is also incredibly quiet at the moment...


Starting in the Western Cape, the temporary wetlands in the Phillipi area are now starting to fill up with all the recent rain we have had in the province and a visit to some of the waterbodies along Punt Road on Friday turned up at least 4 FULVOUS DUCKS as well as a number of WHITE-FACED DUCKS.


Moving into the Eastern Cape, there was some excitement yesterday when a breeding plumaged female RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was located at Chatty Pan close to Marina Salt Works in Port Elizabeth. The bird continued to show well today and drew quite a bit of local attention.



Red-necked Phalarope at Chatty Pan

© Gerrie Horn



In Kwazulu Natal, there has been a slightly delayed report of a juvenile LESSER MOORHEN seen at a waterhole near the Seme Loop in Hluhluwe Game Reserve on 7 July.


In Mpumalanga, there were some interesting records over the last few days. A small group of nesting WHITE-BROWED SPARROW-WEAVERS (3-4 birds) were located about 4km from the Tshokwane picnic site on the tar road to Lower Sabie in the Kruger National Park whilst, in the Tonga region south of Komatipoort, a PINK-THROATED TWINSPOT was seen feeding a fledgling and a YELLOW WEAVER was located nearby as well.


In Namibia, an OSPREY was reported from Gammans Sewage Works near Windhoek yesterday.

White-browed Sparrow-weaver near Tshokwane

© Duncan McKenzie



Pink-throated Twinspot near Tonga

© Duncan McKenzie

Yellow Weaver near Tonga

© Duncan McKenzie



Lastly, of unknown origin and presumed to be escapees, both a SWAN GOOSE and an unidentified Anser type goose were present at the southern end of Pan P5 at Strandfontein Sewage Works on Friday associating with each other. The unidentified goose superficially resembles one of the White-fronted Geese although the amount of white visible on the face is too extensive for either of the two species. The bird also appears to be too large for either of these as well. Sizewise, it would seem to be closer to a Greylag Goose although the white on the face is also then still out of place. Perhaps it is a hybrid of sorts or just a domesticated variation? If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to let me know.



Unidentified goose (left) and Swan Goose (right) at Strandfontein Sewage Works

© Otto Schmidt



Don’t forget to send through your details to be included on the various listing clubs that are hosted at This website also has an extensive rarities gallery that has many additional photos of a number of rarities that are mentioned in these reports.



Thank you to all observers who have contributed their records. Please continue to send through any reports of odd birds as well as continued updates on the presence of rarities already previously reported, no matter how mundane you think they may be. Even if you think someone else has probably sent in a report, rather send the report yourself as well. The only way to improve this service and to make it as useful as possible to everyone is if it can be as comprehensive as possible.


Kind regards





Cape Town, South Africa




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Trevor Hardaker and John Graham

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