Subject: Growth in no of female athletes and women's division following gender rule policy changes in South Africa
Dear colleagues in WFDF Women in Ultimate Commission
I wish to share some data from South Africa on the growth in female Ultimate players (thanks to my friend Katie Huston of the South African Flying Disc Federation (SAFDA) for compiling!).
In 2013, at a SAFDA AGM, a proposal was adopted that South African Ultimate would progressively move to the WFDF Gender Equality rule (4/3 or 3/4 - Offence dictates, by 2015 in time for London WUGC 2016). This proposal was hotly debated and generated substantial resistance from some Ultimate Clubs especially where female players were in the minority or did not hold leadership positions. Despite threats that it would divide the Ultimate community, SAFDA stood by the AGM majority decision and implemented measures to assist clubs with fewer females where needed.
This policy change, I believe, has contributed significantly to the growth in the number of female players (disproportionately more than men's growth during the same period), and the establishment of a Women's and Open Division in Nationals (also in 2013).
This year will be the first year that South Africa enters a team in the women's division at WUGC, London.
I believe the progressive policy change, attention to ensuring that women hold leadership positions, developing female role models, together with strong support for a gender equal play structure by male and female players, have changed the culture of Ultimate in South Africa.👍
I thought I would share these lessons learnt in case they are of interest (I attach various documents that describe the process, fyi)
warm regards
Extracts from attached documents:
2. How has growth of women compared to growth of men?
Proportionately, the number of women playing ultimate has increased at a greater rate than the number of men playing ultimate.
In 2011, only one-quarter (27%) of active SAFDA players were women.
In 2015, more than one-third (36%) of active SAFDA players were women.
The total number of women attending SAFDA events has increased by 185%, from 60 to 171.
AGM Proposal for April 2013:
The following requirement for the Ladies Rules will apply in all SAFDA-sanctioned events:
All SAFDA-sanctioned events in 2013: 2 ladies per line minimum. The Team on Offensive will
have the option of playing 3 ladies, which the Defence Team will have to match, or play one
player short.
Exception: The 2 team captains could agree before the start of the match to
play according to the WFDF Rules
All SAFDA-sanctioned events in 2014: 3 ladies per line minimum at all times. If one team
cannot field 3 ladies, they will have to play one or two players short.
Exception: The 2 team captains could agree before the start of the match to
play according to the WFDF Rules
All SAFDA-sanctioned events from 2015 onwards: WFDF Mixed Division sections apply