Dear SA Ultimate ladies - Happy 2016!At Roctober 2015, we had a record 115 female players playing an Ultimate tournament - definitely a record in SA! How wonderful.😁Women are taking SA Ultimate by storm - Let us keep this up!👍This SA-Disc-Ladies mailing list has been updated with the Roctober female players, and is currently connecting 203 members!This email contains a summary of updated information for our new, and existing, members.Below you will find
- a number of sites and mailing lists to keep your interest in Ultimate - and female players in Ultimate - strong
- a summary of a meeting we had earlier in 2015 on how to keep on developing female Ultimate players
- the history of the increased (and now exponential) involvement of female players in Ultimate in SA
Sources of Information to keep you up-to-date:
- Gauteng Ultimate Women:
- Cape Town Ladies mailing list -!forum/ctultimatewomen
- Join the SA Women's Ultimate FB page for more regular updates:
- Get your friends to join the SA Women's Ultimate Mailing list for updates if they aren't on it already (i.e. this List):!forum/sa-disc-ladies
- Follow the preparation of the SA Women's Team to the WFDF 2016 World Ultimate and Guts Championships (WUGC) in London - called Bafazi Bafazi at
April 2015 reportDear AllA short report on the meeting we had at Nationals to discuss how we can support and develop female players. A special thanks to SAFDA, Bloem Ultimate and CTFDA for sponsoring.The event was an overwhelming success - we expected 10 people, received 30 RSVPs and we eventually ended up with 70+ women and men on a dark, cold pavilion with no lights (one torch - thanks Nic Proctor!) and 10 pizzas to go around. The discussion was rich, enthusiastic and included a variety of viewpoints from across regions and genders in South Africa.There were some excellent ideas generated and I tried to summarise some of them below.Summary of Women in SA Ultimate meetingMain ideas generated of supporting female Ultimate athletes in South Africa
- Encourage clubs and other structures to have a designated Women's portfolio so that the emphasis of recruiting and supporting female players are always on the agenda (same with the importance of having a Spirit of the Game portfolio).
- Having women's coaching clinics
- Instituting women's leagues
- Having informal and non-stressful opportunities to play Ultimate (like lots of pick-up) where female players can play without being pressurised into playing serious tournaments
- Emphasise the co-ed and fun nature of Ultimate, that is unique
- Start to get schools and youth involved in Ultimate
- Have self-reflective discussions within one's team about the importance of the full involvement of women in the team and games, and what might be barriers to these
- Develop and encourage female role models and ensure that women take up leadership positions within teams, clubs and other structures
- Have a designated "Women in Ultimate" portfolio on committees
- Actively support the inclusion of women in Ultimate and find new circles of interest from which to recruit (not just your own pool of friends or acquaintances)
- Support and positive re-enforcement for new women to make sure they stay. From other guys and girls on the team.
- Ensure women are given a role on the field so they have an opportunity to contribute, only if they feel they are contributing will they have fun and more importantly get better. The more they get to touch the disc in games the better they will be.
History of women in Ultimate in South AfricaThank you to Teena Sebastian, Hanna Morgan, Allison Baxter, Luisa Nardini, Tina Schubert, Tamlin Wright and Anne Maftei for assistance in compiling26 April 2015Bloemfontein; Nationals 2015Updated in Dec 2015 by including information by Anthony Pascoe and Sam Fogerhill
1998: South Africa fielded a female player in their open team at Worlds in 1998 (Kiersten Stead) 2002: SA Nationals played with 1 woman per squad rule- 2004 - In Cape Town, friendly agreement to include women at pickup
- 2005 - co-ed league started in CPT - one at most on the line, not enforced?; efforts to recruit; co-ed exhibition games at Bergvliet high school and Clifton beach (with Aca Joe) to encourage interest. Played 3 women on the line at Bergvliet (?) and 2 women (out of 5) on the line for beach game.
- · 2006: Nationals Wynberg - playing 1 female per line (and if no females, would play 6 men); Woman on the board of SAFDA (secretary); first attempt at women's only practices in CPT
- · 2007 (Nationals Wynberg) - playing 1 female per line
- · 2008 (Nationals Bergvliet) - increased to 2 females per line if both teams could match [in 2008 Disc-functional of CT loaned 1 of their 3 women to Long Donkeys of PMB to avoid them playing with 6 players for the tournament which they had to do for their first game of the tournament against Disc Doctors of CT. Although Donkeys had some ladies playing in PMB, none could make the trip. It was a win for both teams as the Disc-functional ladies wanted playing time :-) and most teams were only fielding 1 woman a point even though there was the option for 2. - Sam}
- · 2009 RockNationals (Sandton) – compulsory 2 females per line
- · 2010 (Nationals Bergvliet)- 2 females per line
- · 2010 Roctober - 2 females per line// first time we had an organised ladies game - on the Saturday evening after games: Jhb/Dbn vs CT (5-a-side?)
- 2011 (Nationals at Pirates) - 2 females per line// mini ladies tournament (5-a-side?) held on the Saturday morning Jhb vs Mozambique vs CT before tournament started
- · 2011- Cape Town had Wynberg Women's Training/League
- · 2012 (Nationals Villagers) - 2 females per line// female exhibition game on the Saturday evening Various provinces vs CT (7-a-side)
- · March 2012 - First female Ultimate clinic and hat tourney held at Villagers
- · 2013 (Nationals East London) - 2 females per line// ladies game on the Friday night "North vs South" (7-a-side). SAFDA policy voted in to progressively increase number of female players to allign with WFDF Gender rule
- · 2013 Roctober - ladies game on the Sat evening Jhb/Moz vs CT (7-a-side). During the tournament we played the new SAFDA rule: "2 ladies per line minimum. The Team on Offensive will have the option of playing 3 ladies, which the Defence Team will have to match, or play one player short."
- · First Women's/Open Nationals Dec 2013 (Villagers) 2 CT teams and 1 Jhb - Trophy taken by Huck Off
- · 2014 (Mixed Nationals Rondebosch) - playing new SAFDA rule: "3 ladies per line minimum at all times. If one team cannot field 3 ladies, they will have to play one or two players short."
- · 2nd Women's/Open Nationals July 2014 - Westville - 1 CT team, 1 Jhb team, 1 PMB and 1 Durban - Trophy taken by Huck Off
- · 2015 – SA entered a women’s team to enter the World Beach Champs in Dubai but unfortunately had to withdraw because of injuries and lack of numbers.
- 3rd Women's Open's Nationals Aug 2015 (Gardens Tech) - Trophy taken by
TnT- · 2015 – SAFDA approves a Women’s bid for World Championships in London in 2016
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marlise Richter <>
Date: 19 April 2015 at 09:41
Subject: Meeting at Nationals 2015: Women in SA Ultimate
To: "" <>SAFDA, CTFDA and BUF are co-hosting a feedback and strategy meeting on how we can support and develop female players in Ultimate - see flyer below.Agenda:
- Welcome and background - Ros Dredge and Marlise Richter
- Open Forum on women's experiences in Ultimate - how has the WFDF Gender rule impacted on your own playing experience and that of your club? How are the different regions doing in terms of ladies numbers?. Brainstorming on how we can support women in Ultimate in SA - attracting new female players and support existing players - All
- The SA Women's team for London 2016 - bid by Anna Coussens and Taryn Morris
- Women's Nationals in Aug - input by Anna
- Planning activities for Women's Ultimate Weekend - 27-28 June 2015 - - Marlise
- Fundraising opportunities for Women's development - All
Please RSVP:
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