I downloaded latest stable S4A16.deb. The instructions in the FAQ seem
to be quite outdated for Ubuntu, since ia32-libs have been removed
years ago. Instead apt handles 32bit-dependencies of
local .deb-packages nicely nowadays. So I did:
$ sudo apt install ./S4A16.deb
This went fine so far and installed :386 packages. When running:
$ s4a
it simply crashes with:
could not find module vm-sound-pulse
Aborted (core dumped)
$ s4a -nosound
still crashes.
$ s4a_squeak_vm
complains about
could not find display driver vm-display-X11; either:
- check
that /usr/local/squeak-3.10-4/lib/squeak/3.10-4/vm-display-X11.so
exists, or
- use the '-plugins <path>' option to tell me where it is, or
- remove DISPLAY from your environment.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
Doesn't matter if I use wayland or X11 display driver.
I could locate the display driver
under /usr/lib/s4a/Plugins/vm-display-X11.
But using
s4a_squeak_vm -plugins /usr/lib/s4a/Plugins/vm-display-X11
still crashes, removing DISPLAY has no effect either.
Is this a known bug and is there any workaround so far?
TNX in advance
I think the error message is misleading.
The first thing to check is the libraries which vm-display-X11 needs. If your vm-display-X11 is in /usr/lib/s4a/Plugins/ then try:
$ ldd /usr/lib/s4a/Plugins/* | grep "not found"
In my case (I was actually using Pharo on Windows WSL), it showed several "not found" libraries. Once I got them installed (in WSL it was 'sudo apt install mesa-utils'), I was able to launch the VM.