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Issue about state switching in S2E

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Oct 26, 2023, 5:01:13 AM10/26/23
to S2E Developer Forum
Hi Vitaly, I'd like to develop a searcher plugin that enables switching the state when the S2E is running at a specific pointer counter(PC) or basic block.

I found that the default S2E searcher supports state switch at a certain timer as shown in function stateSwitchTimerCallback
snippet 1
void S2EExecutor::stateSwitchTimerCallback(void *opaque) {
    S2EExecutor *c = (S2EExecutor *) opaque;

    assert(env->current_tb == nullptr);

    if (g_s2e_state) {
        S2EExecutionState *nextState = c->selectNextState(g_s2e_state);
        if (nextState) {
            g_s2e_state = nextState;
        } else {
            // Do not reschedule the timer anymore

    libcpu_mod_timer(c->m_stateSwitchTimer, libcpu_get_clock_ms(host_clock) + 100);
Thus, I wrote a simliar function in my plugin so as to swith the state at specific point as shown in the following snippet. Note that I implemented the function setCpuExitRequest which leverages the kvm vCPU request to force suspending current state execution.
snippet 2
// --- myPlugin ---
void ValidPathSearcher::triggerSelfSwitch() {
    env->current_tb = nullptr;
    // validPathSearcherStateSwitchCallback and stateSwitchTimerCallback are almost the same.
    // exit current state so that s2e continues with the selected state.

// --- declared in s2e\libs2ecore\include\s2e\S2EExecutor.h ---
void setCpuExitRequest(void);
// --- definede in s2e\libs2ecore\src\S2EExecutor.cpp ---
void S2EExecutor::setCpuExitRequest() {

// --- declared in s2e\libs2ecore\include\s2e\cpu.h ---
void s2e_kvm_cpu_exit_request(void);
// --- definede in s2e\libs2e\src\s2e-kvm-vcpu.cpp ---
void s2e_kvm_cpu_exit_request(void) {
However, when I test my plugin with demo program the execution will be stuck after state swith.
For example as shown in the following demo .
snippet 3
void demo(short a, short b, short c) {
  if ((a & 0xC == 4) || (a & 0xC == 8) && ((b & 0x40000) != 0)) {
  } else {
    a = 0x50001;    
I assign a, b and c as symbols and perform concolic execution. I try to switch the state after return of func().
My logs indicate the following:
  • When the program reaches a & 0xC == 4, S2E triggers a fork event, creating state 0 and state 1
    • state 0 -> a & 0xC == 4 is false
    • state 1 -> a & 0xC == 4 is true
  • Then, the program reaches a & 0xC == 8, S2E triggers a fork event again, creating state 0 and state 2
    • state 0 -> a & 0xC == 8 is false
    • state 2 -> a & 0xC == 8 is true
  • Based on my plugin, after func, S2E switches to state 2.
  • The issue arises when the program reaches b & 0x40000) != 0, S2E aborts at Executor::fork. I find g_s2e_state' id is different from param current_state 's id. current_state is a param of Executor::fork.

I feel like switching back in order to explore more information from the other path, so that I can select the better one through comparsion.
In summary, what I'd like to seek advice is as follows:
  • What could be the possible reasons?
  • Have you ever written such a feature before? If not, What advice do you have for implementing this feature and ensuring correct path switching?
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