METAS S-Parameter Metrology

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Welcome to the METAS S-Parameter Metrology forum!

Scattering parameters are fundamental quantities in radio frequency and microwave metrology. Traceability to SI units for these measurements is established with the help of calculable standards. Progress has been made over the last years in characterizing these standards. Major steps forward were achieved with advanced modelling of the entire standard, including connector interface and with the use of multivariate uncertainty evaluation, taking correlations fully into account. The improvements have led to more consistent and more accurate measurements.

The goal of this forum is to make Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) users aware about the new findings in VNA metrology, to provide good measurement practice and how this is linked with our S-Parameter calibration services.

Other interesting VNA metrology links:

METAS VNA Tools II is a software designed to compute uncertainties of S-parameter measurements, see