details of the proj(For core members)

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Oct 28, 2009, 12:49:57 AM10/28/09

Software Requirements Specification
Malpractices Monitoring and Detection System (MMDS)
Version 1.0

Table of Contents

1.Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose 3
1.2 Scope 3
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3
1.4 References 4

2.The Overall Description 4
2.1 Software Interfaces 5
2.2 User Characteristics 5

3.Functional Specification 5
3.1 Gathering User Information 6
3.2 Monitoring User 6
3.3 Generating Reports 6

4.Non-Functional Specification 6
4.1 Availability 6
4.2 Security 7
4.3 Maintainability 7


This project aims at putting together an integrated Monitoring
environment for a university student. This will mainly be used by
colleges during the practical examinations , in order to enable
examiner to monitor the students activities from any computer
connected to the college network.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe all the requirements and
constraints for the Malpractice Monitoring and Detection System

1.2 Scope
The name of our project will be "Malpractice Monitoring and Detection
System" and its scope is to monitor the students activities in a
network and report any misuse of resources to the examiner.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

MMDS Malpractice Monitoring and Detection System
Report Contains User's Logs
Database Collection of Information in a Structured Form
Logon ID A User identification character to enter the system
Password A Word that enables one to gain admission into the system
Linux An Operating System that is used to operate the computer
using a Graphical User Interface.
PostgresSQL A Query Language to Interrogate the system
GUI Graphical User Interface

1.4 References
No formal documents have been referenced in this document.

2. The Overall Description
The objective of the Malpractices Monitoring and Detection System
(MMDS) is to monitor users and their activities after they have logged
into their systems allocated during Computer Practical Examinations.
Student activities are monitored continuously for any misuse of
resources amounting to violations of stated guidelines of examiners
and informed of students violating the guidelines through alert
immediately to the examiner(s) concerned.

This system is based on the Client/Server Model. A client side
routine allows the examiners to login into a system and monitor their
students after logging into the allocated system for taking up
practical examinations. This client side routine filters the students
from the user info database based on course code for which an examiner
is responsible and permits the examiners to monitor students working
on their allotted systems.

The system monitors for the following activities:
Any attempt of logging into the allocated system using different user
Any attempt of the user logging into a different system using his
user name without the knowledge of examiners concerned
Checking of disk drives to see whether they are enabled or disabled
and any attempt by users to use removable drives in the allocated
Any attempt of user logging into an allocated system multiple times
Students indulging in anyone of malpractices and suspect cases are
immediately signaled through an alert to examiners concerned.
The Server side routine maintains a user info database of students
taking up examinations and information regarding student activities
are stored dynamically.

2.1 Software Interfaces
The Software Interfaces that are used in this project are given

2.2 User Characteristics
The system will be used in the Universities/Colleges. The
administrators or examiner will be the main users. The examiners have
the limited privilege and the administrator have the full privileges.
The system is also designed to be user-friendly.

3. Functional Specifications

The System performs the following functionalities
Gathering User Information
Monitoring Users
Generating Reports

Gathering User Information
This module gathers the user information from network. The user
information's are entered into system before the examination. This
information includes the User's Login name, Password, Course Code,
Course Name, Lab number, Date of Examination and System Number. The
examiner uses the client application to monitor the students. When the
students are logged into their corresponding system, the client
displays information about the user activities to the examiner. The
system builds a dynamic table which contains the user name and their
corresponding IP addresses.

Monitoring Users
This module monitors the user activities on the network based on their
login information. When users are logged into the network, the
monitoring activity commences to monitor them. . When any user commits
any listed malpractices, it will immediately alert the examiner

Generating Reports
This module generates reports based on the collected information from
the network. The system will generate user activities log, Attendance
Report and various types of malpractices report.

4. Non-Functional Specifications

4.1 Availability
In case of any failure, this system will support Crash-Recovery using
the redundant mechanism.

4.2 Security
The security to the system is provided by means of using the
authentication mechanism to enter into the system.

4.3 Maintainability
The system will be designed in a manner such that it is easy-to-use
and easy-to-maintain mechanism.

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