Cannot book a flight with a diiferent Airport of origin from user account

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Mar 6, 2017, 4:10:27 PM3/6/17
to Ryanair Customers
Hi Everyone,

I have opened a complaint with Ryanair after trying several times with no success to book a flight where the airport of origin is different from my user account country of residence. After receiving all sort of useless feedback and support from Ryanair such as clean history of your browser, use Chrome since is the only browser really supported??? etc I simply gave up and then book my flights with Edreams paying an extra fee to avoid escalation of the price. Not sure if anyone has experienced anything similar here, Ryanair refuses to test this properly in their web site to find out if there is a bug. They simply cannot explain the fact that I manage to buy Edream tickets, after link them to my Ryanair account and finally even buy an extra seat in their website.

It was not a payment problem either since I tried all PayPal and different cards and also minutes after I buy from Edreams a ticket from them. The only difference from any other previous purchase is the fact that I was selecting a flight which had the airport of origin in a different country. The complaint system of Ryanair is also appalling to say it politely it asks you for a reservation number or you will not be able to start a complaint. Therefore if you do not manage to do your booking and that is the reason of complaining they stop users from login complaints. Then after you log the complaint they ask you to submit screenshots errors since you stated is related to website issues, but in my case that never happened. In Fact clicking the PayNow button did nothing the page did not go anywhere, so how can I be asked to submit screenshot errors?

Overall I can see Ryanair still does not bother to treat customers decently they still do not care about being one of the worst reputed company in the planet.

I just felt the need to post this here in case anyone finds oneself in the same situation. I am opening complaints via other consumer organisations and trading standards.

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