The Deleted Websites.

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Oct 30, 2023, 12:37:18 AM10/30/23
to RootsWeb-Website-Help
Most of us are  greedy. We've enjoyed years of free websities. And now that they are coming to an end we are blaming everyone else. I have deleted all my data from Rootsweb with a backup to myself. Rootsweb, I guess, can do what it likes. Stop being greedy. 

Your choices are simple. Dump them all. Or buy some space on another site. I guess your choce labels where your priorities lie. 

You'll die with your boots on before you win with Rootsweb/et al.


Oct 30, 2023, 3:12:45 AM10/30/23
to, Bruce

I have a paid family history web site (for many, many years now) but my family history previously was through a link on my web site to WorldConect (free when it was operating) and now to Ancestry (but, of course, only people with a subscription to Ancestry now can see it).

We need a free site on which to post our family trees.

Do you have a suggestion about a paid web site hosting service where I can post my family history (over 48,000 individuals, comprising what I think is the largest integrated database for early Maryland families)?

But, I am over 80 years old so even if I found such a site everything would become unavailable to the general public in a few years when I am gone and no longer paying for the web site.


Bruce L. Nicholson, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences
University of Maine
Orono, Maine

Retired and now living in sunny Gold Canyon, Arizona

Personal family history web site:
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Ron Lankshear

Oct 30, 2023, 3:46:51 AM10/30/23
to, Bruce
FACTS: Trees are free on Ancestry and Free to view but you need a Free membership. No credit card just a membership. No subscription of course you can only look at free records 
So I invite people to see my tree but say you need membership. 
Ancestry want your tree it is a valuable resource for them

You can post Family trees on many sites for free. 

I have had data not exactly a family tree but discussion on the people and sources on Rootsweb now Ancestry at no cost for 2 decades and I hope it will be there for a few decades more. 

PS I am 86

Blessings from Ron Lankshear

Bill Walsh

Oct 30, 2023, 6:53:48 AM10/30/23
Like you say. It's every bodies choice.

Simple fact is that all websites die eventually. It's just a matter of
time for any. Over the years I have seen a LOT of them go away. Anyone
here old enough to remember AOL or Geocities. Once upon a time, when
dinosaurs roamed the earth, both were biggies. I can't even remember the
names of half of them that are gone now. Even if you can  set up
financing far into the future there is no guarantee that the hosting
service will still be there to pay. There are no guarantees in life or
the internet [ well, maybe two in life, death and taxes ].

I had a cousin [ I will just say "cousin" rather than trying to unravel
our actual relationship ] who WAS the recognized Garfield County,
Oklahoma, Genealogist. Last time I was in her genealogy room she had
probably ten [ or more ] full height file cabinets of records on just
about everyone that ever lived in the county. She is the one that
supplied my information for that side of the family back to ...........
just say way back. Anyway, I did say "was". She passed away a few years
ago. I bet you can't guess what happened to all those file cabinets. If
you guessed "dump" you are absolutely correct. The local society
couldn't handle the cabinets. Her family didn't give a hoot in a hot
place. I tried to see if I could get some but they didn't know who I was
or how related so never got back to me.

We spend a good chunk of our lives trying to dot every "t" and cross
every "i". Days breathing the dust of courthouse basements trying to
find that last crumbling piece of paper  that answers the last question
and creates two more. Why do we do it. Well, other than being addicted
to the worlds largest jigsaw puzzle only God could answer. OR, maybe we
are just crazy like our children think we are. For me it all started
when my daughter came home and needed some family information for a
school project. I never seemed to find a place to stop. Oh

My information will reside unchanged on Rootsweb until........

It will also be on until.........

I also posted my information on Wikitree. It is a collaborative
environment for building ONE tree that shows how we are ALL related [
eventuality maybe ]. It's a pretty good place with good ideals. So far
no one has added anything to my family that can't be proven. Being the
environment that it is ALL interested parties in a person have to agree
to any changes. Trees are merged on the same idea. On Wikitree I now
have a MUCH larger family tree than I could ever create on my own and
have found LOTS of new "cousins". If you have the time, and inclination,
there are loads of different projects you can join and collaborate on.
It is really a pretty cool place.

Other than a dusty box on a forgotten shelf in a local society that is
about the best I can do unless one of my family decides they want to get

GenWeb stuff, yeah, I get it. But personal...........................
“The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.”
― Albert Einstein

Charlie Towne

Oct 30, 2023, 10:21:29 AM10/30/23
On 10/30/2023 3:12 AM, Bruce wrote:

> Do you have a suggestion about a paid web site hosting service where I
> can post my family history (over 48,000 individuals, comprising what I
> think is the largest integrated database for early Maryland families)?

I went with Family History Hosting ( They
have a variety of plans, and the owner, John Cardinal, is very helpful
getting things set up.

My site has 12,305 people, requiring 72.2 Mbytes. I opted for an Archive
plan ("Archive I," up to 400 Mbytes of space), partly because I don't
think I'll need the extras that come with the "Standard" hosting plans
(like your own domain name, five email accounts, etc.), and partly for
longevity. I pay an annual fee (currently $60), plus an initial setup
fee of $540. Then, once I (or one of my heirs) stop making yearly
payments, the site will stay online for 10 more years before
disappearing. I'm now 75, so I figure I'll be paying the bill for the
next 25 years or so :-), which will keep my info online until 2058.

I've also kept my site at RootsWeb, with a note on every page about the
move to the new location.

The RootsWeb site is, and the new
location is

Charlie Towne


Oct 30, 2023, 11:52:15 PM10/30/23
to RootsWeb-Website-Help
There are no new available Freesites as far as I know. You all have to hear the message. 
It's been known for nigh on 12 months now that the Rootsweb sites were closing. Your only hope for the perpetuity of your own websites is the dregs of them that still (maybe) available on the WWW. Try a search and see what you come up with. 
 Or to buy your own site. 
It doesn't matter what nomenclature you attached to your name or your status in your local society. The Freesites are disappearing. 
There are still too many on this website desperately trying to resurrect the impossible. 
I finished this discussion a while ago and have arranged my website accordingly.
Ancestry is not free. Hand over your tree and it's gone.
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