New to RU Psych Alliance

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Jasmine Long

Mar 31, 2012, 12:01:33 PM3/31/12
to RU PsychAlliance
Hello ! my name is Jasmine Long and I just transferred to Rutgers New
Brunswick this spring 2012 semester, Iam a sophmore to be Junior in
the Fall and a Psychology major, Political Science minor. I am eager
to learn more in the Psych world and hopefully do research in the
upcoming semester, please inform me of any new meetings, discussions,
events etc. in RU Psych Society and I want to meet more Psych majors.
Also connect to me on LinkedIn. :)

Caesar A. Dommar

Apr 1, 2012, 5:58:27 PM4/1/12

Hi Jasmine,

Thank you for contacting us about RU Psychological Alliance. We are the union of the
Psychological Society and the Psi Chi Honors Society in Psychology. Our next meeting
is a Graduate School Personal Statement Workshop on Tuesday, April 10th at 9:10pm
in Frelinghuysen Room A5. Our Workshop is sponsored by Kaplan. Our Graduate School
and Career CoffeeHouse Event is on Monday, April 16th at 8:30pm in the Livingston Student
Center Coffee House (next to Dunkin Donuts). We will have a host of professors, grad students,
post-docs, etc. for members to talk to about graduate school and careers after Rutgers.

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or our organization email
address at

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----

> Date: Sat Mar 31 12:01:33 EDT 2012
> From: "Jasmine Long" <>
> Subject: New to RU Psych Alliance
> To: "RU PsychAlliance" <>

Caesar A. Dommar
Undergraduate Researcher in Cognitive Science
Sensory Motor Integration Laboratory
Department of Psychology-Rutgers University
152 Frelinghuysen Rd. Piscataway, NJ 08854

Gabrielle Sheneman

Apr 1, 2012, 10:42:22 PM4/1/12
Please take me off the mailing list. Thank you.
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