URLs in notes

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Vebjorn Ljosa

2009年9月11日 08:12:092009/9/11
收件人 Runway
Would it be possible to have Runway recognize URLs in the notes and
turn them into hyperlinks?

I'm experimenting with putting the Gmail URLs of related emails in the
notes so I can easily go back to them (e.g., to reply and say that
something is done). I know I can forward emails to Runway, but they
look ugly in the notes section and I need to find them again in the
email client in order to reply.

Natasha Bradley

2009年9月14日 07:38:162009/9/14
收件人 runw...@googlegroups.com
Hi Vebjorn

I inquired with our technical gurus as to whether there was some sort
of shortcut I could provide you with in the interim - alas no!

Your suggestion is fantastic and I agree that it would be really
useful for Runway users to be able to access links directly from their
notes section.

I've noted your request for future development cycles.


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