Associate current computer and/or geolocation with context

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Jun 13, 2009, 4:22:04 PM6/13/09
to Runway
Just as a suggestion: Let a context be linked to a certain radius
around a geolocation and/or a physical computer (browser cookie) and
runwayapp show fitting tasks on startup (location aware preselection).

Simon Harris

Jun 15, 2009, 6:42:35 AM6/15/09
to Runway

Can you explain a bit more what you mean/how you'd like it to work?



Jun 21, 2009, 5:44:58 AM6/21/09
to Runway
> Can you explain a bit more what you mean/how you'd like it to work?

I would like runwayapp to be location aware "know" where I physically
am and then only show tasks for contexts that are linked to this
physical location.

There would be tow ways:
1) define a context as being the computer I am currently sitting in
front of (to be exact meaning the current browser, since it would mean
setting a cookie) = office, mobile, home
2) define a context as being a geographic location (eg address or lat/
lng) with a radius (eg: 10km around city x) and retrieving current
location via geo-ip, google latitude, installed gps etc

It would then show only tasks for contect office if I am sitting at my
office computer or show only tasks for the geographic location I am.

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