suggestions: "waiting for", new keyboard shortcuts etc.

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Brent Snook

2009年9月2日 上午11:39:362009/9/2

I've been getting back into using Runway after a bit of slacking off
and have a few suggestions. If you're interested in any of them I can
create tickets with more detail.

-- Move or group "Waiting For"s --

I really like the "waiting for" feature and use it all the time but
they seem to clog up my daily action list most of the time. I like to
review these on a daily basis but apart from that they're really just
adding noise to my "Today" list.

I also get sick of dragging the newly created waitings to the bottom
of my "Today" list. I also have to reorganise them when something I've
marked as "do today" jumps in and crashes my little bottom-dwelling
"waiting" party. Not that I'm obsessive about it. OK, I am.

Is there a better way to do this with the current UI? Failing that,
I'd be happy with a "Waiting" tab where they can live. They don't feel
like they really fit in the normal priority list with actions that I
can complete because they are effectively stuck there until someone/
thing else nudges them along. It makes sense to me to be able to
shelve them out of the way of the things I have control over.

-- Add time spent waiting to "Waiting For"

While I'm on the subject, I'd really like to be able to see how long
ago I marked something as "Waiting". This would be great for those
emails that seem to have been fired off into the void. I like to see
how often to hassle people.

-- Keyboard shortcuts for action rearrangement

I would love some new shortcuts to make reorganising my actions

I'd like to be able to drag the highlighted action up and down. I'd
really really like a sort of cut and paste where I can mark an action
that I want to move, select the action I want to paste it above and
then insert it.

Being able to multiple select and move chunks of actions would also be
nice but the only times I really need it are for moving my "waitings"
in one group.

-- Better way to insert reviewed actions

When I'm reviewing actions I like to slot them into priority with the
other stuff on my list. Unfortunately at the moment I need to switch
back to the Actions tab, move my targeted action and then switch back
to the Review tab.

I would actually love it if the unreviewed actions maintained their
little green stamp icon in the Actions tab. This would make it much
easier for me to review and insert them.

I think I'd prefer to view all of the unreviewed actions using a tag
filter. If this happens then the Review tab would become redundant.

I know a lot of people have requested this but I would also really
love an iPhone app with the ability to work offline and synch. There
are many times each day that I think of something I need to collect
while out and about.

As always, great job on Runway. I'm back to using it every day and its



Natasha Bradley

2009年9月2日 晚上8:18:232009/9/2
HI Brent

thanks for the feedback and the fantastic suggestions.

We're not actively developing Runway at present, and when we take
another look at it, this is exactly the sort of user feedback which
gives us great direction on what to focus on to make Runway even better.

I will capture your suggestions in our work management tool, no need
for you to create the tickets - you've given us more than enough detail!

Thanks again.

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