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Be an early bird to get your knees in better shape - Have a wonderful 2017

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Rahul Verghese

Jan 8, 2017, 12:11:31 AM1/8/17
The biggest myth around running is that it is bad for the knees.


No more half truths, as many more studies point to running being good for delaying onset of or preventing osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Running and impact are good for the joints.

Of course a focus on running form for regular runners becomes more important as does basic warming up, stretching, and following a schedule. It’s much like driving a car - follow the rules, don’t try and copy someone else blindly; if you have a problem which prevents you from driving well or focusing on the road, DON’T. 
Have you ever heard of doctors telling the world not to drive because it is one of the world’s greatest killers? Many more people die in traffic accidents on an ongoing basis, as also many more people die in their sleep. 

So should you not drive at all, or not sleep at all?

Read all about why that is a MYTH -

and look at earlier research and studies in an article in 2009 to show that studies on this have been pointing out similar findings for quite some time

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We have several routes to get you into healthier shape from 5k therapy to a Marathon therapy - on the iconic Formula One Race Track on Feb 12th, Magic at Kihim Beach on March 26th, a Wild time at Corbett  on April 15th and in Paradise at Sangla valley in the Himalaya in May and many more across the country and through the year. We want to keep your knees in better and better shape this year.

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Click on the above links before Jan 8th to be an early bird to get your knees in better shape - we would love to bust these myths with you across India :-)

2017 is going to be a wonderful year.


Rahul Verghese
Founder - Running And Living Infotainment

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