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It's been quite a year, right?

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Rahul Verghese

Dec 26, 2018, 11:47:56 PM12/26/18

US shut down, Brexit roller coaster, resurgent nationalism , hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, global warming and.. 2018 was quite a year!
2019 is poised to be even more tumultuous and we have to tell ourselves that the only way to thrive, is to get into a positive state and look at the opportunities for us to act upon and contribute in our own small ways, to make things better.

What better way to get into the zone than going out for a run in nature, wherever we are. The serenity of a run in the awesomeness of nature always gets me to realise how small we humans are, and how much nature energises us and gets us into a positive space. And now its time for us to give back to nature.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, a delightful holiday season and a wonderfully awesome 2019. Even Santa is on the run, so we can join him.
To build speed and stamina over the 7 weeks following this week's gluttony and partying, check out a schedule to fix you - CLICK HERE

When times get rough and nothing seems to be going right, we need to call up our own genie within. That mover of mountains, makes us believe in ourselves once again. That's the kicker that I love, from running.

Talking about mountains, we would LOVE to see you in Sangla Valley for the 8th and last edition (for a few years), of the Himalayan Running And Living Marathon May 1st -3rd 2019. Sangla Valley is paradise!! And Banjara camps, ever hospitable and warm, offers a special package for your stay. The food, campfires under the million stars, by the banks of the gurgling Baspa river, bonhomie with fellow runners, and treks in the valley, are some of the things that make this a great experience. Sangla is 7 hours beyond Shimla - see some pictures from last year's adventurous 10k - CLICK HERE

We may even catch Santa in the mountains

See you 29th April in Sangla. And if we miss you there, here's to a delightful and Zen 2019

Rahul Verghese

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