While the rest of the country bakes - run with us in Paradise at 11500 ft

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Rahul Verghese

Mar 31, 2017, 10:09:56 AM3/31/17
to vish...@gmail.com
Screen Shot 2017-03-19 at 20.32.27.pngIt’s exciting getting to the start line of the 6th Himalayan Running And Living Marathon, with the landslide ridden road making the last few kilometres, straight  out of a video game


The bridge over the Sutlej is being rebuilt and here it is gushing out of 4 pipes, as your vehicle crosses over the river

Then you get to dine and have a campfire under the stars at Banjara Camps and Resorts in Batseri

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And then run into paradise at 11500ft

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and get pampered at Banjara Camps and Retreats at Batseri

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Come to the boutique Himalayan Running And Living Marathon Co-Organised with Banjara Camps and Retreats. They have a special deal on accommodation, hiking, picnics and more - thrown in for you - All the information you needed on Banjara - at Batseri with a great 20% off for participants and families and friends at http://www.banjaracamps.com/images/download-pdf/Sangla.pdf

Registrations for the run from 1st-5th May are open for another week at https://runningandliving.com/our-runs/himalayan-marathon

See you soon

Rahul Verghese

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