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Connecting with information, runners and more - through this google group

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Rahul Verghese

Dec 26, 2016, 9:15:19 PM12/26/16

This google group has been set up to share information and articles on running, share information on runs, running routes in your area and sports doctors and more.

There are loads of people who run near you and if you post about your upcoming run you are planning this Sunday and post the time and location of the meet up, you could be surprised about the company you may get. That’s the way running buddies are formed.

Local sales of running gear, local shoe stores and more - are what make this google group a rich resource for you.

This is NOT a forum for self promotion of a business or for spamming and that content and those group members who join specifically for that purpose - which is not related to this geographically focused, running resource, will be removed.

Have fun on the run and get more and more friends and acquaintances to join this google group and multiply your fun together


Happy New Year
or Happy Running Year

Rahul Verghese
Founder - Running And Living Infotainment Pvt Ltd
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