Below are some pointers to keep in mind.
The week before:
- Rest well and do not exert yourself this week–your body needs to build reserves now, rather than deplete them.
- Think positive and reflect on the good runs and training you have had, rather than on the training that you may have missed.
- Eat more carbohydrates–brown rice,pasta and cut out deep fried foods to build energy reserves.
- Reduce tea, coffee and alcohol, and drink more water and fresh juices including tender coconut water to build hydration levels.
- Wear
the gear you are going to run in–shoes, socks, undergarments, shorts
and T-shirt – and sunglasses or cap, headband, face mask if required,
this week and make sure you are comfortable in them.
- Have the same breakfast you are planning to have on Sunday, on Thursday and go for a 3 km easy run
- Sleep enough,and remember your best training runs before your sleep. Especially Thursday to Saturday – you need it
- DO NOT exert yourself and try and stay off your feet as much as you can
- Cut your toe nails to avoid black toe nails post the run
- Do not think of work and your life’s worries. Think of the course and the fun and excitement.
The day before:
- Relax – physically and mentally
- Focus on the days when you felt really good
- Get family and friends to cheer you
- Drink more water and fresh juices through the day, than usual
- Get
your kit out for tomorrow – shorts, undergarments, shoes, socks, T
shirt, chest number pinned, facemask if required, sunglasses, cap,
- Make sure there is no sand/ grit in your shoes
- Have
an early and a heavy carbohydrate lunch on Saturday, and dinner to
finish around 7-8 pm at the latest, to allow a couple hours for it to
settle, before you sleep.
- Eat dinner early and eat well. Sleep early a few hours after dinner
- Don’t worry if you have not slept well on Saturday. Your Thursday and Friday sleep will count.
Do Not:
- Do lot’s of work at home – you may strain yourself or pull your back
- Eat anything new – your stomach might not handle it well
- Think of how little you have trained or how unfit you are feeling
- Have a late night
Before your run:
- Have
a light breakfast of a banana/ orange juice and water as soon as you
wake up. Hopefully this is nothing new for you – this is quick to
digest, and is energy giving
- Get to the start point an hour earlier than your run and hit the loo again.
During your run:
- Start slower than what your 'feel'. Trust me. I have run 56 marathons and am still learning It is very easy to get carried away by the enthusiasm of the crowd and the atmosphere.
- Stick to your plan.
- Smile at others, and cheer on fellow runners – it lightens your load
- Check how you are feeling after 2km, and quicken your pace.
- At
around the 5km mark run at a little faster than race pace to put a
couple of minutes in your bank before the half way point and check your
timing vs your plan.
- At
around the 30km mark for a marathoner and at 15km for a half, if you
are feeling good, pick up the pace a bit. Walk briskly up Peddar Road.
- Resume the run down Kemps corner and pick up the pace if you are feeling great, along marine drive.
- Smile for the cameras – you will treasure the great photos of yourself
- Sprint the last 200m - you will end on a high
Post the run
- Congratulate yourself
- Walk briskly for 5 minutes and Stretch gently.
- Dunk your legs in a cold tub else use an ice pack once you reach home – fixes your pains immediately.
- Party like crazy and be a 5 year old again
- Wear your medal proudly on Sunday and Monday
Regards Rahul Verghese