bad news

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Dr Rajat Chauhan

Nov 27, 2007, 10:51:30 AM11/27/07
Hey folks,

(disclaimer: this one is loooong... Sorry for the spam... But then u guys are preparing for the ultra)

I got a call day-before-yesterday (Sunday) evening from a friend, who said that there was some bad news for me, but he couldn't say what.

On Monday at 4:43am, while I was lazing on my bed and doing my own version of stretching, which (stretching) I'm infamous for not believing much in, the walls suddenly started to shake, followed by shaking of the ceiling and then the bed. I thought i had taken the "stretching GOD" by surprise.

Soon I heard people shouting and rushing out. It was an earthquake measuring 4.3 richter scale. Did i move? Nope. What was the point? The region I live in Delhi falls in zone 4, highest risk as far as earthquakes go. Its safer in an area like ours where there is no way the buildings can fall as they are so close to each other. just FYI, TOI said that atom bombs in Nagasaki measured at 5.

After my family, all I thought about was the Bangalore ultra-marathon. Yep... That's correct.

How BAD can a news be... When everything in Life, including life itself, is temperory. My version of "law of relativity"

More on BAD NEWS... You would say its bad if you are not me...

I was told by an official of Karnataka Athletics Association on Saturday that they have planned to organise a Marathon in Bangalore on ... Hold your breadth... And breath... 16th Dec. That's sportsman spirit for you!

On asking him why, he said, "because Bangalore ultra-marathon is on 16th Nov."
I told him that this was "politics" & asked him when was this date decided on? Without realising, he contradicted himself right away by saying that "it was a year to year and a half ago."

It could have been BAD NEWS for him, only if i I was in a rush as some candidates were waiting in the hospital for interviews with me.

I feel sorry for people when they don't realise that "nothing", i repeat "nothing" comes between my running & me (and people I encourage to run, i.e. Everyone I meet). They forget that after "modest" my middle name is "BAD NEWS."

I fail to understand HOW can an event organised
a. for runners,
b. by runners (race director & medical director for sure are doing it ONLY for the love of running),
c. on out-skirts of Bangalore,
d. which was planned more than 9 months ago,

I'll keep you guys informed on this one and might need all your help, in the form of signatures to someone who matters and can take appropriate action against this. And I do know him and he will.

It'll be interesting how someone could ban me from running on public roads... People have tolerated my flourescent T-shirt, so they can tolerate anything.

My only goal / vision / misson is a fitter nation, I know it sounds very patronising, but this was as mild as I could get.

Keep miling.


Dr Rajat Chauhan
+91 99456 95732

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Arvind Krishnan

Nov 27, 2007, 11:31:15 PM11/27/07
Hi all,

Not to worry. This is not really aimed at us.

It is aimed, as it was during the midnight marathon/last BLR marathon, at
athletes who run at non-federation events for the prize money. At the Ultra,
the winners get plaques, not cash.

So those of you who wish to run for the Olympics or for the moolah, i would
suggest withdrawing :-) The others among us can run unhindered.


Dinesh Kumar

Nov 28, 2007, 5:15:56 AM11/28/07
My views are clear.

I was offered registration for ULTRA and I registered.
The other offers, monetary or otherwise, came afterwards.
They are second in the queue and will remain there unless no 0ne vacates
that slot for the number 2.

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