roles versus groups

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Jim Richard

2:57 PM (9 hours ago) 2:57 PM
to rundeck-discuss
I'm really struggling to understand the concept of roles versus groups in the context of Rundeck. I've actually been using RD for many years cuz it's awesome :) but, recently decided I finally need to fully understand roles and groups because I fully want to understand ACL's and even more specifically, how to properly use the rd-cli acl tool.

I am very familiar with RBAC in general in other contexts, AWS, Jenkins etc but in the Rundeck world and documentation the terms seem to be loosely intermixed.

Let me start with a more general question:

Am I correct that groups and roles are very similar concepts in Rundeck?

Groups are easier to understand, you have an external auth provider like LDAP, you have jaas config'd to get auth info from your LDAP, a successful LDAP auth would return a list of groups that this user is a member of but now...

how do members of this group get attached to a role in RD?

and how do specific roles get assigned specific permissions?

I might be answering some of my own question here by saying "ACL's" it's all ACL's.

The only place a role in RD is actually defined (besides the out of the box roles we can't mess with) in within the context of an ACL rule/policy.

Is that last statement 100% correct?

Sorry for rambling a bit, ACL's, roles and groups in RD is just hard, is what it is :)

3:51 PM (8 hours ago) 3:51 PM
to rundeck-discuss

Hi! Let me answer,

Am I correct that groups and roles are very similar concepts in Rundeck?

Yes, in the Rundeck context, a role is a group of users.

Groups are easier to understand, you have an external auth provider like LDAP, you have jaas config’d to get auth info from your LDAP, a successful LDAP auth would return a list of groups that this user is a member of but now…

how do members of this group get attached to a role in RD?

Rundeck takes the Roles (as you said) from the jaas-ldap.conf file, specifically from the roleBaseDn parameter, and then Rundeck “understands” those groups as rundeck roles. Check this example.

and how do specific roles get assigned specific permissions?
I might be answering some of my own question here by saying “ACL’s” it’s all ACL’s.

That’s correct, Rundeck gets the users and roles (groups) from LDAP/AD, and then you need a user/role based ACL to grant/deny permissions to projects and jobs.

The only place a role in RD is actually defined (besides the out of the box roles we can’t mess with) in within the context of an ACL rule/policy.
Is that last statement 100% correct?

Yes, that’s correct.

Sorry for rambling a bit, ACL’s, roles and groups in RD is just hard, is what it is :)

No worries! Welcome to the Rundeck Community :-)


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