Very slow executions with latest Rundeck updates

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Simone Bianchelli

Aug 9, 2024, 7:14:04 AMAug 9
to rundeck-discuss
Hello, i run latest Rundeck on a Windows Server 2019 VM and i noticed that jobs runs very slow (before when i installed Rundeck first time months ago i didn't had that problem).

As you can see from that screenshot the job completed in about 10 mins for the first node:

The job execute a simple PS script that add a domain user in the local Administrators group of the selected node.

The execution time for the other two nodes is less but the user was already a member of Administrators group.

I have other jobs that execute other PS scripts (eg. i have one for restarting specific Windows service) and it always took many minutes to finish and i also tried with other nodes.

The VM where is running Rundeck has been also restarted.

What i can check?

Thanks in advice.

Aug 9, 2024, 9:38:19 AMAug 9
to rundeck-discuss

1. Do you see any clue in the service.log file? What about the execution logs?
2. Could you double-check your init script to check the available resources?
3. Regarding the last question, is the rundeck instance experiencing slowness? 


Simone Bianchelli

Aug 9, 2024, 11:52:04 AMAug 9
to rundeck-discuss
Hi, i reply for each one:

1. unfortunately no clue in service.log even in the execution log of this morning, seems all fine
2.  i use the start_rundeck.bat provided with profile.bat untouched (-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m), that VM is used for other running web applications (Apache, Node.js apps...) but the memory usage is about 50%, the CPU is enough high but maybe the culprit is the company Antivirus, i will investigate further
3. I noticed that Rundeck is a bit slow in general, but not so terrible (i mean opening it, navigating between projects etc...)

Thanks in advice.

Simone Bianchelli

Aug 9, 2024, 12:17:59 PMAug 9
to rundeck-discuss
Update: after a restart of machine, the execution times are now really better, maybe it was the antivirus that made the system busy.
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