# cat /etc/rundeck/blocklist.yaml
- ansible-plugin
You must provide the block list parameter on the rundeck-config.properties file.
You can do it following this (considering Rundeck 5.4.0 with Ansible plugin v4.0.1):
1) Create a file called blocklist with the following yaml-format content:
fileNameEntries: - ansible-plugin-4.0.1 providerNameEntries: none:2) Open your rundeck-config.properties file and add the following line:
rundeck.plugins.providerBlockListFile=/path/to/your/blocklistYou must provide the right path for the file created in the first step.
3) The save the rundeck-config.properties file.
4) Stop your Rundeck service.
5) Also, you can delete only the ansible plugin jar file (with the ansible cache stuff stored on the cache subdirectory).
6) Start the Rundeck instance. If you check the libext directory, the ansible plguin isn’t there. Stop the instance.
7) Copy an old/specific version of the Ansible plugin to the current libext directory (In my enviroment, I used the Ansible plugin 3.2.8 from Rundeck 4.17.6).
8) Start the Rundeck instance again. If you check the libext directory, your specific version is there. The default “latest” plugin can’t “regenerate” after some instance restart.
Of course, in case of some upgrade you need to add more specific entries in your fileNameEntries, so a good recommendation is to check the next plugin version and add it to the block list before the upgrade process.