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rundeckd service not present

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mark broadhurst

Dec 10, 2024, 2:41:59 PM12/10/24
to rundeck-discuss
Hi there, first ever look at rundeck and I'm pretty basic level on linux so forgive my ignorance on it.
Done almost every install method, docker basic, cluster etc, local install on ubuntu following the online documentation.
Came across the issue of the website redirecting to the loopback address, edited the relevant file entries to reference the IP, went to restart the rundeckd service and I cannot for the life of me find it. systemctl and the service cmd tell me it's not known in every install I've done.
Forgive me if I'm just being blind but why isn't the service present and either running or  there to start?


Dec 10, 2024, 3:02:42 PM12/10/24
to rundeck-discuss
Hello Mark,

Could you explain what you tried, step-by-step? It is advisable to learn how to install Rundeck and concentrate on a single installation method. To install it on RedHat-based distributions, for instance, follow this detailed guide.

Warm regards.

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