I have built an OptionValues plugin that will make an LDAP query to return results in a JSON structure. I would like to avoid having separate selections appear in the "Allow Values" section based on the many different queries I am going to conduct (Users, OUs, Groups, Computer objects, etc.).
What values are available to me that will allow me to further filter my OptionValues results? As an example, I have tried setting another job option variable userStatus to either Enabled or Disabled. I wanted my OptionsValues plugin to read that value and disaply either a list of enabled or disabled AD users. It seems I do not have access to the other defined job options on page load. By using the lifecycle plugins, I can get access to the values either at job save or prior to job execution (Which is not useful to me in this context).
I would be fine with filtering off of job-name and hard-coding a few if statements, I just do not know how to access that data within my Java plugin.
Any help?