Hackathon planing

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Peter Schrammel

May 11, 2013, 5:25:36 PM5/11/13
to rubyshift...@googlegroups.com

sorry to rush this but time is pasing by and it's time to take some action.

The current plan is to gather some projects we could hack on. As soon as
the teams gathered around the projects we can plan the rest (date,
place, food).

An idea we didn't discuss broadly but that was discussed on some one on
ones is to release the outcome of our hackathron(s) as a group. I like
the seatle.rb idea and it would be great to draw some attention to our

I'd like to contribute two projects (I'll work on just one of them, but
feel free to work on the other).

1. Binarystore
Build a webserver that
- is S3 compatlible (GET, POST, DELETE)
- transcodes the original file on demand (resize, blur, JPEG <-> PNG <->
WEBP, whatever pipe is given or configured)
- caches the transcoded stuff but cleans it up depending on file hotness

The implementation would be based on goliath. This is nothing new but
usually every app with some user generated binaries needs something like
this. Writing it over and over again within the app is boring. See
http://cloudinary.com/ how far you can take it.

2. ruby on gnunet
This one is quite on the edge. GNUNET https://gnunet.org/ is a framework
to build P2P or F2F networks.
a) Usually you have to write C to build your application. The idea is to
embed mruby into GNunet and build a small layer so everybody can build
new p2p apps with a view lines of ruby code (Rails for P2P).

b) There should be a way to implement extensions to the framework in
other languages than C/C++. Didn't explore this further but perhaps
coming up with a sample implementation could also be fun.

This is very experimental. C knowledge might be needed. Both (mruby and
gnunet) lack some documentation but could be big fun if we get this
working. See for some fun stuff: http://lwn.net/Articles/473187/
Perhaps we could win a core dev from the LMU to join us.

(Playing around with other p2p networks is also possible (Freenet,...))

Coments/Projects are welcome. Could somebody set up a editable document
somewhere to collect the ideas and the teams?

Philipp Fehre

May 14, 2013, 9:19:01 AM5/14/13
to rubyshift...@googlegroups.com

Both sound like really interessting projects, If people are interessted in the gnunet part I could probably get some guys from the TU who work on gnunet fulltime come by, they are no ruby guys but might actually be interessting for both sides. 

Personally I am quite interessted on hacking on Project 1., also since the rails 4 scraped the queue api for 4.0 I would also be interessted to drive forward the development of resque as a sample implementation of something which might come in 4.1. I could prepare some stuff on the API design as well as what is missing by the time the hackathon comes close.

Greetings Phil

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