Invitation for Online Ruby Meetup - DDD, CQRS, GraphQL

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Adam Mazur

May 17, 2021, 4:49:52 PM5/17/21

Hello ladies and gentlemen of the Czech Ruby community.

This is Adam Mazur. I am a Ruby Developer at GlobalAppTesting (GAT). and an active member of the local Ruby community in Poland.

I am writing to ask for help in reaching as many people as possible interested in participating in a remote meetup that our company is organizing for the Ruby community. We have been using interesting and unusual solutions for some time and we would like to share our experience and at the same time stimulate the Ruby community, which probably dimmed a bit during the pandemic.

We organize the meetup together with KRUG (Krakow Ruby Users Group), which we sponsor (we have an office in Krakow).

Meetup will be held on May 20 at 6:00 PM CET via Zoom Webinars. It will be in English. Of course, the event is free. Could you please post information on your channels?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Meetup links and summary:

GAT Tech Talk #4 - Online (DDD in Ruby)

Register today:

Hello Ruby Enthusiasts!

It's time for the next GAT meetup! More and more teams use Domain-Driven Design and need to isolate domains in the code. We would like to share what we've learned when modularising our Ruby/Rails application and how tools like CQRS and GraphQL help us. 

GAT strongly believes that part of mastering your craft is sharing the knowledge with the community.


  • "Rails monolith modularisation with CQRS - our story" (30min) (Jan Jedrychowski - FullStack Engineer @ GAT) 

  • Leading Quality: Lessons learnt from working with the top tech companies in the world. (15 min) Ronald Cummings-John - Co-founder @ GAT 

  • "Embracing GraphQL" (Piotr Brych FullStack Engineer @ GAT - 30min)

Please register at Zoom Webinar:

We hope to see you there!

The Global App Testing Team

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