respond js different controller

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fugee ohu

2018年9月8日 上午10:58:472018/9/8
收件者:Ruby on Rails: Talk
I wanna modify the dom on the coversations show page which contains a new message form for the messages controller Presently the create action in the messages controlller redirects to conversations/show I wanna respond js with simply render conversations/show Can I do that?

Walter Lee Davis

2018年9月8日 中午12:50:332018/9/8
Yes, you can. If you have the respond_to block in the controller, then anything you put inside the block can do whatever it wants to. Here's one from a controller I made some time ago with the scaffold generator:

def update
respond_to do |format|
if @country.update(country_params)
format.html { redirect_to @country, notice: 'Country was successfully updated.' }
format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @country }
format.html { render :edit }
format.json { render json: @country.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

Only one block will respond to the action here, depending on the format and the result of #update. So this won't violate the single render/redirect constraint on controller method.

At the Ruby level, this is just a block inside a block.


> On Sep 8, 2018, at 10:58 AM, fugee ohu <> wrote:
> I wanna modify the dom on the coversations show page which contains a new message form for the messages controller Presently the create action in the messages controlller redirects to conversations/show I wanna respond js with simply render conversations/show Can I do that?
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Walter Lee Davis

2018年9月8日 下午2:29:212018/9/8
> On Sep 8, 2018, at 12:58 PM, fugee ohu <> wrote:
> I think respond_to within the action and respond js are different but a separate subject I put respond js at the top of the controller and created a create.js.erb view At the end of the create action there's nothing in substitution of repsond_to do |format| I'm just expecting it to render create.js.erb (in the messages controller still) and then the content of create.js.erb is gonna be $("#conversation_area").html("<%=j render('conversations/show') %>")
> Does that make sense?

Try using the long-hand, not the shortcut of using respond js at the top. The long-hand is what the shortcut becomes eventually, so it's clearer why it works that way. Yes, you will have to put a separate format.js in each method, but when you do that, you can see exactly what it is doing, and make each method respond the way you want it to.


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