It looks like you might have out of date plugins in the vendor
directory, though these are only warnings.
> (called from
> /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1....@rails2.3.11/gems/rails-2.3.11/lib/tasks/rails.rb:10)
> DEPRECATION WARNING: Kernel#returning has been deprecated in favor of
> Object#tap. (called from enable_activerecord at
> /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1....@rails2.3.11/gems/mislav-will_paginate-2.3.11/lib/will_paginate.rb:39)
> ** TwitterAuth initialized properly.
> rake aborted!
> /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1....@rails2.3.11/gems/texticle-2.0.2/lib/texticle.rb:44:
> syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting tAMPER
> __send__(method, *search_terms, exclusive)
This is saying there is an error in the textile gem, I don't know
about that, but is that version compatible with the ruby and rails
that you are using?
I don't know why this problem may be arising, but I can only point out
once again that you are using out of date plugins in the
vendor/plugins directory. Do you have a good reason for doing this?
Please don't top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread.
Insert your reply at appropriate points in previous message. Thanks.
> i know that Colin, am using the out of date plugins. but i need to run with
> this.
> just i commented the memcached, and run it. its OK now going fine. but when
> i start the server
> ruby script/server
> => Booting WEBrick
> => Rails 2.3.11 application starting on
> DEPRECATION WARNING: Kernel#returning has been deprecated in favor of
> Object#tap. (called from enable_activerecord at
> /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1....@rails2.3.11/gems/mislav-will_paginate-2.3.11/lib/will_paginate.rb:39)
> ** TwitterAuth initialized properly.
I don't know anything about twitterauth but the above message suggests
that all is well.
> /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1....@rails2.3.11/gems/rails-2.3.11/lib/rails/rack/log_tailer.rb:10:in
> `size': No such file or directory -
> /home/vishnu/rordev/getafix/log/development.log (Errno::ENOENT)
It is important to read the errors carefully. The above suggests that
it cannot access the log file. It should create the log file if it
does not exist (I think) but I wonder whether the log directory does
not exist.
> --
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