No, I didn't have that tag. It turns out though that using the <%=
javascript_include_tag :defaults %> works outside the header (just in
case you wanted to know).
I also found out that to defend against sessions fixation attacks,
rails uses a setting called allow_forgery_detection which was causing
problems with the POST data for the text_field_with_auto_complete,
giving me a "ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken" error message
which I was able to find using the Firebug plugin for Firefox. Since
my project doesn't require any authentication (it's just a giant free
database) I just added the line
self.allow_forgery_protection = false
into my application.rb file. Everything works now as it should. Thanks
for the help!
On Jan 7, 6:06 am, "Nicolás Sanguinetti" <> wrote:
> Do you have <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> in your layout
> inside the <head> tag?
> Best,
> -Nicolas