Mailing List Retirement

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Aaron Patterson

Feb 22, 2024, 12:26:30 PMFeb 22
Hi folks,

This is an update just to let you all know we're retiring this mailing
list. Actually we've not been using it for a while, and I should have
sent this notification sooner.

We're posting all security updates to the Rails discourse forum here:

You should be able to subscribe to this topic if you'd still like to
receive emails, and it also has an RSS feed you can subscribe to. We
only post security announcements on that topic so it should be
(hopefully) pretty low bandwidth.

We decided to retire this list because Google changed access such that
you're required to log in with a Google account in order to read posts
to the list. We usually link to the CVE announcements from blog posts
etc, and we don't want users to be required to have a Google account
just to read announcements. Since the Rails forum allows users to read
posts without logging in, and provides mailing list / RSS
functionality, we decided to make it our canonical CVE announcement

Thanks for your time, and sorry I didn't send this out sooner and
sorry for the inconvenience. Also please have a good weekend!

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