Interested in "Eager Load Action View Templates"

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Bogdan Denkovych

Mar 25, 2017, 7:46:23 AM3/25/17
to rubyonrails-gsoc
Hi there!
I'm Ruby Developer, Rails Contributor.
I'm interested in to start to do  "Eager Load Action View Templates".

Robin Dupret

Mar 25, 2017, 8:55:47 AM3/25/17
to rubyonrails-gsoc
Hi Bodgan,

Pleased to see that you're interested in participating to the GSoC for Ruby on Rails !

Actually, there are already open topics on this mailing list where you can find information about this particular project. By the way, the application period is now open so you can submit your proposal. Feel free to ask if you have specific questions.

Have a nice day ! :-)
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