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wiki spam

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Andrew Kaspick

Jan 7, 2007, 3:40:57 AM1/7/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core

Does anybody have any solutions for some of the spam that's filling up
the rails wiki?

For example the development firms page is being hit with new spam
constantly; just see how many revisions you have to go back before
finding the actual content.

Another page that looks like it's being hit pretty hard is...


Rob Sanheim

Jan 7, 2007, 4:13:20 AM1/7/07

Yeah, actually I think there were plans awhile ago to integrate my
logic captcha into the Rails wiki. Guess it never happened though.

I'm using it for the local user group wiki (, and its
blocking a crazy amount of spam everyday.

- Rob


Jan 7, 2007, 4:16:57 PM1/7/07

Actually I thought they were porting the data to a different, more robust app...

Rob Sanheim

Jan 7, 2007, 4:53:46 PM1/7/07

Yeah there were planning on going to Ruse
( in the long term,
but I thats been "in progress" for a long time.

- Rob

Michael Koziarski

Jan 7, 2007, 5:09:59 PM1/7/07
> Actually I thought they were porting the data to a different, more robust app...

I'm not sure what happened with the previous effort, but if someone
else would like to have a go at it, we can definitely provide dumps of
the wiki. PDI.



Justin Forder

Jan 8, 2007, 2:47:19 AM1/8/07
The previous effort is still under way. Ruse has been patched to support
textile, and the data mapping between the two engines has been defined.

A large part of the problem is that (since Dan P. moved on) there has
been nobody actively administering the current wiki.

Koz, if you take a look at the Wiki Cleanup project in BaseCamp you will
see who and where we are.


Justin Forder


Jan 8, 2007, 2:59:13 AM1/8/07

I have funds available from the Documentation project to pay for a
dedicated wiki gnome to basically be a librarian, though I think it's
a stretch to be just cleaning spam, once it's in Ruse, someone could
spend a few (paid) hours a day cleaning stuff up, converting code into
API docs as necessary.

What d'y'think? Anyone interested?

Justin Forder

Jan 8, 2007, 3:08:30 AM1/8/07

Dan Kohn might be interested. I have no time! (Given the constraints
I've been working under, I am still spending more than the time I really
have to spare tracking the spam and rolling it back.)

Have to go to work now....


Rob Sanheim

Jan 8, 2007, 1:27:39 PM1/8/07

I don't know if its worth it with Ruse underway, but I could pretty
easily integrate the logic captcha into the current i2 installation,
at least as a stopgap measure. You can see how the plugin works here:

I'd just need svn access to the current i2 install. This would at
least stop the bulk of spam until Ruse is installed.

- Rob

Mislav Marohnić

Jan 8, 2007, 2:20:31 PM1/8/07
On 1/8/07, Rob Sanheim <> wrote:

I don't know if its worth it with Ruse underway, but I could pretty
easily integrate the logic captcha into the current i2 installation,
at least as a stopgap measure. ...

I'd just need svn access to the current i2 install.  This would at
least stop the bulk of spam until Ruse is installed.

Good idea, contributors to the wiki would then only need to learn American history to be able to answer those "logic" questions



Justin Forder

Jan 8, 2007, 6:52:30 PM1/8/07

It definitely is worth it - I am spending an hour a day on average
rolling back spam (over 12,500 rollbacks to date). This is preventing me
doing more useful things (I can't do any of this in work time, and I'm
working long days).

As you know I asked for your plugin to be installed three months ago.

It turns out that the current i2 install was from Dan Peterson's own SVN
repository, back in July. We don't have commit access to that
repository, and Dan hasn't answered any of my mail since 8th June.

I think the right thing to do in these circumstances is for David to
create another branch in the i2 repository, to put the current rails
wiki source in that branch, to give you commit access, and to arrange
for someone to do redeployment via Capistrano when you are ready.


Justin Forder

Rob Sanheim

Jan 8, 2007, 6:59:46 PM1/8/07

Sounds good to me - I can integrate the plugin and tests that I have
for the Madison rails wiki. That should at least save a good amount
of your time doing rollbacks.

Let me know if/when we get the branch setup.

- Rob


Jan 8, 2007, 8:42:41 PM1/8/07
> > It turns out that the current i2 install was from Dan Peterson's own SVN
> > repository, back in July. We don't have commit access to that
> > repository, and Dan hasn't answered any of my mail since 8th June.
> >
> > I think the right thing to do in these circumstances is for David to
> > create another branch in the i2 repository, to put the current rails
> > wiki source in that branch, to give you commit access, and to arrange
> > for someone to do redeployment via Capistrano when you are ready.
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Justin Forder
> Sounds good to me - I can integrate the plugin and tests that I have
> for the Madison rails wiki. That should at least save a good amount
> of your time doing rollbacks.
> Let me know if/when we get the branch setup.

I just saw Dan on IRC and he said his repo is here:

I suggest you do a svn dump of that. The latest svn version allows
such tomfoolery. If you want a public svn repo and collaboa instance
I can provide that at


Justin Forder

Jan 9, 2007, 2:43:22 AM1/9/07
Courtenay wrote:
>> > It turns out that the current i2 install was from Dan Peterson's own
>> SVN
>> > repository, back in July. We don't have commit access to that
>> > repository, and Dan hasn't answered any of my mail since 8th June.
>> >
>> > I think the right thing to do in these circumstances is for David to
>> > create another branch in the i2 repository, to put the current rails
>> > wiki source in that branch, to give you commit access, and to arrange
>> > for someone to do redeployment via Capistrano when you are ready.
>> >
>> > regards
>> >
>> > Justin Forder
>> Sounds good to me - I can integrate the plugin and tests that I have
>> for the Madison rails wiki. That should at least save a good amount
>> of your time doing rollbacks.
>> Let me know if/when we get the branch setup.
> I just saw Dan on IRC and he said his repo is here:

Yes, and the Rails wiki is running on revision 44 from that repository.

> I suggest you do a svn dump of that. The latest svn version allows
> such tomfoolery. If you want a public svn repo and collaboa instance
> I can provide that at

Thanks - no need. Sorry for the brevity, once again I have a train to catch!



Rob Sanheim

Jan 9, 2007, 3:39:06 AM1/9/07

So, just to clarify - if I edit rev 44 from that svn instance of i2 to
add a logic captcha, it can be deployed to the production rails wiki
to hold off spam for a bit. And Justin can stop spending an hour a
day rolling back spam. Correct? :)

- Rob

Michael Koziarski

Jan 9, 2007, 3:44:36 AM1/9/07
> So, just to clarify - if I edit rev 44 from that svn instance of i2 to
> add a logic captcha, it can be deployed to the production rails wiki
> to hold off spam for a bit. And Justin can stop spending an hour a
> day rolling back spam. Correct? :)

It would appear so, we can figure out any trivial merges anyway.



Justin Forder

Jan 10, 2007, 3:04:14 AM1/10/07

Yes, that would be excellent :-) :-)


Robert Dempsey

Jan 20, 2007, 10:22:41 PM1/20/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core
Hello all,

There is very intersting discussion going on here. My name is Robert
Dempsey, and I work for a Rails development firm in Florida. I have
been rolling back the Development Firms page on the wiki for quite some
time. Thank you for implementing the latest updates.

At the risk of sounding stupid, I am writing to get your thoughts on a
site where everything would have to be submitted and have someone look
over it? So, if a firm wants to post their information they can do so,
however, before it goes online, someone looks at it. I am also trying
to think of more ways in which Rails can be promoted, like Java or
.NET. I have some time to put into this and have begun to work on
building a site structure to support my idea.

I am very interested in your thoughts. Thank you for your time.


Robert Dempsey


Jan 22, 2007, 10:15:56 AM1/22/07
On 1/20/07, Robert Dempsey <> wrote:
> At the risk of sounding stupid, I am writing to get your thoughts on a
> site where everything would have to be submitted and have someone look
> over it?

You want to be that guy? Good luck! You'll need it!

Robert Dempsey

Jan 22, 2007, 10:35:36 AM1/22/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core
I am building the site right now. When I have enough created, I would
appreciate you all taking a look and giving your opinion. Obviously,
there is no silver bullet against the ever hated spammers. In trying to
think of ways in which to promote Rails and help the community, I came
upon the idea of an organization that will do just that (in addition to
the work everyone else is doing). I appreciate your feedback and vote
of confidence ;)

Robert Dempsey

Jan 22, 2007, 1:32:12 PM1/22/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core
I failed to mention the scope of my project. I do not intend to
recreate the wiki (as my earlier description may convey), rather, I am
focusing on the promotion of Rails, and the developers and firms that
use it.

Damian Janowski

Jan 22, 2007, 2:42:04 PM1/22/07

Isn't it what is doing?

Robert Dempsey

Jan 22, 2007, 2:44:58 PM1/22/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core
They are, however, I have a different approach to the promotion.

Robert Dempsey

Jan 31, 2007, 10:38:25 AM1/31/07
to Ruby on Rails: Core
Good morning all.

We have launched the initial site, located at, with a full launch planned within the next
month or two. Visit the site and sign up to be notified of the
official launch. is dedicated to the promotion of Ruby
on Rails in the developer and business communities.

** We need your help! **

We are looking for case studies. Case studies will show the business
community at large that Ruby on Rails works, and is useful for a
variety of applications. Not only does a case study lend credence to
Rails and its uses, it also provides an advertising opportunity for
you, your firm, and the application. Shoot us an email (info at
railsforall dot org) for further details on what is required.

I look forward to your responses and case study inquiries.


Robert Dempsey

Promoting Ruby on Rails to the developer and business communities

Jan 31, 2007, 4:25:20 PM1/31/07

I emailed DHH and asked him if I could fork I2 wiki that is used by Ruby
on Rails wiki b.c it seemed no one was maintaining it... DHH granted my
requested thus, I have created a fork these past couple of days, called
RaWiki. I have integrated the captcha_validation plugin into RaWiki to
prevent spammers. I also implemented a 10 chances and you're banned for
24hrs with the captcha_validation to prevent spammers from brute-forcing
the captcha.

I plan to keep developing RaWiki b.c I am also working on another
project,, to create a community of docs, and
hopefully offer free documentation hosting for other projects....
eventually the idea is a central repository of docs. You can see RaWiki
working at and test it out, if you like.

If any of this sounds like it may be useful to the Rails wiki, let me
know and we can work out the details.
Donnie Jones

Justin Forder

Feb 10, 2007, 4:31:49 PM2/10/07
Justin Forder wrote:
> Rob Sanheim wrote:

>> So, just to clarify - if I edit rev 44 from that svn instance of i2 to
>> add a logic captcha, it can be deployed to the production rails wiki
>> to hold off spam for a bit. And Justin can stop spending an hour a
>> day rolling back spam. Correct? :)
> Yes, that would be excellent :-) :-)

I set up another repository, and we moved rev 44 into that, then applied
some changes that had been made locally on the deployed wiki.

Chad Johnson integrated your BrainBuster CAPTCHA, and Ben Rockwood
deployed it last night (this morning for me, UK time). It seems very

Chad made some changes so that a wrong answer to the CAPTCHA doesn't
lose the data in the form. You can find the code here:

Thanks for your excellent code!

Justin Forder

Rob Sanheim

Feb 11, 2007, 1:52:41 AM2/11/07
Great, thanks for letting me know.

Sorry I couldn't help out on it, been way too crazy with my job lately.

- Rob

Justin Forder

Feb 12, 2007, 2:47:17 AM2/12/07
Rob Sanheim wrote:
> Great, thanks for letting me know.
> Sorry I couldn't help out on it, been way too crazy with my job lately.

That's OK. The CAPTCHA is making a huge difference - spam on the wiki
had been peaking at around 3000 page changes a day, and now it's down to
a handful.

- Justin

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