I didn't really want to "come out" with this just yet - although I'm
95% certain this is the general architecture I want to go with, I'm
only about 60% or so done with the implementation, and only 40% or so
done with the testing.
I also haven't actually started running backwards compatibility tests,
mostly because I hadn't really settled on what I would be deprecating
(and of course some stuff just plain isn't done yet so I'd get lots of
failures about crap I already know doesn't work).
I have added comments (that look like # RUY-NOTE) at the top of most
source-files to indicate what is mostly done, and what is still in
progress, and what is marked for death. I have also added detailed
overviews for the main classes - but I will be pasting most of them in
this post for your reading pleasure.
Regardless, I mentioned my work in passing on #rails-contrib today and
it turns out technoweenie has been working on more or less the same
thing, but since we've both been publishing-shy we totally missed each
other and now there is overlap. Go go "release early" I guess :(
Anyway, so here we are - I'm "releasing" it - but do keep in mind this
is pre-alpha. Implementation is NOT complete.
I'm looking for feedback (and of course patches! but my expectations
are low), specifically about:
1. Are the public-facing API changes too extreme? (Validations
themselves are mostly the same, Errors is quite different however, but
IMO, well worth it)
2. Does the current "design" (architecture? whatever) make it easier
to implement some neat validation feature you've been burning to add?
I tried to pick up as many ideas as I could from "the wild" and pretty
much everything I saw should be very very easy to add (if I haven't
added them already).
Some examples include: internationalizable default error messages, JS
validations generated from model the model class, reporting errors via
JSON, per-state or per-transition validations with state machine,
Validatable's :group option.
3. What color should the bike-shed be?
Ok so what exactly is this anyway?
Well, it's my take on ActiveModel::Validations, which will hopefully
replace ActiveRecord::Validations one day soon, and of course it will
also form the basis for ActiveResource::Validations and could in
theory be used for any number of things (like presenter models,
couchdb models, whatever).
The most obvious changes it the rename to Validatable (mostly because
i wanted to save Validations for the modules containing the validation
classes itself)
Major changes:
1. Errors
- fairly different .errors API
- error messages themselves encapsulated in ErrorMessage class
2. Validations are now classes
Also note that because this module MUST be able to stand alone (for
use in presenters etc), it does not COMPLETELY supplant
ActiveRecord::Validations. AR-specific stuff like
the :on=>:save|:update|:create option, as well as
validates_uniqueness_of are taken care of by AR:V, albeit by extending
I will go over the new validations class first because it's less
contentious and generally speaking more awesome.
Validations-as-classes was inspired (loosley) by the Validatable gem.
A validation class can turn itself into a macro (using
Base.define_validation_macro(base)) based on it's name.
# now we can do
class ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of #etc - as you're used to
(This is done automatically for the pre-defined validations of course
- but it's bitch-easy to implement your own and add them where you
need them.)
The macro will instantiate the validation class and add it to a
base.validations hash, which stores validations by attribute name. (So
validates_presence_of :name, :password will generate TWO
ValidatesPresenceOf instances, one in base.validations[:name] and one
in base.validations[:password])
This alone has advantages: we can finally attempt to serialize
validations for public consumption elsewhere. Auto-generated
JavaScript validation is one obvious application, converting some
validations to RDBMS constraints is a more exotic one.
Validations::Base contains several facilities for declaring valid
options, marking some as required, validating their type etc.
For the most part, subclasses need only declare their options using
the above helpers, and implement a valid? instance method.
A perfectly simple example:
A more complicated one:
The Base class also takes care of common options, such
as :allow_nil, :allow_blank, :if and so forth (and also provides a
convenient 'hook' point for adding new 'global' options, such as :on
for ActiveRecord).
:if/:unless are not actually supported yet - I would like to implement
them using a callback (:should_run) - which could be used to implement
not only :if/:unless but also :allow_nil/:allow_blank and
Validatable's (the gem) :group option.
Unfortunately there is no way to pass additional arguments to
callbacks (like the object instance... kinda important) using
AciveSupport::Callbacks, so I will probably have to either add that to
AS:C or start hammering out ActiveModel::Callbacks.
My changes to errors are the most drastic departure from the existing
ActiveRecord code.
The first 'design goal' is to make Errors more 'familiar' with ruby
data types.
One thing that (IMO) causes a lot of confusion (in a general sense) is
how .errors[:whatever] can sometimes return an array of strings, and
sometimes just the string. NOTHING ELSE EVER DOES THIS IN RUBY. EVER.
It also makes it a PITA to work with errors since you need to check
the return type and UGH - it's just so NOT GOOD.
So basically, I'm putting my foot down and saying: Erros is basically
an Array. I would have it inherit from Array, but I'm not smart enough
to do that in a good way with the current implementation (there are
some special considerations, described below). No doubt, somebody else
will be.
Actually there's all sorts of things that are pretty 'evil' in the
current implementation and will greatly benefit from some attention
from the community.
Some basic examples:
@person.errors[0] # => "Name can't be blank."
@person.errors.first #=> "Name can't be blank."
@person.errors.each # .. etc, it all works as expected
For all you care, it's an Array! Ok? Ok!
The second 'design goal' is to encapsulate error messages in a class
of their own. More on this later, (under
# This does however mean you shouldn't do this:
@person.errors << "Failure!"
# You could do this instead:
@person.errors <<
# But really, you should just do this:
@person.errors.add "Failure"
The add() method constructs an appropriate ErrorMessage object. I
could have << behave the same way, but I worry about the implications
for more complicated mutation methods like merge or somesuch.
We'll look more in depth at adding errors later.
So other then add(), how else is it not like an Array?
Well you'll want to be able to filter errors by attribute. The Array-
ness of Errors is more important to me then it's Error-ness, so
@person.errors[:name] is no longer supported. Instead we just have the
old @person.errors.on(:name).
And what does that return? Why another Errors (Array) of course!
@person.errors[0] # => "Person is too ugly."
@person.errors[1] # => "Name can't be blank."
@person.errors[2] # => "Address can't be blank."
@person.errors.on(:name)[0] # => "Name can't be blank"
@person.errors.on(:address)[0] # => "Address can't be blank"
@person.errors.on(:name).class # => ActiveModel::Validatable::Errors
# What about the first one though?
@person.errors.on(:base)[0] # => "Person is too ugly"
@person.errors.on(:base).size # => 1
# Yay awsome!
One neat thing about this is that if the attribute whose errors you
want has a .errors of it's own, they can be included recursively:
@person.errors[0] # => "Name can't be blank."
@person.errors[1] # => "Company name is taken."
@person.on(:name)[0] # => "Name can't be blank."
@person.errors.on(:company)[0] # => "Company name is taken."
@person.errors.on(:company).on(:name)[0] # => "Company name is
@person.errors.on(:company) == # Not exactly
true, but that's the idea.
Now one problem you might already have noticed is that when you ADD an
error to an Errors array, some confusion arises as to where to
actually store the error. I hope the behaviour is *mostly* intuitive,
but there are definitely a few confusing edge cases.
LEAKY ABSTRACTION WARNING: One key thought to hang on to is that
READING from an Errors object works on a different underlying array
then WRITING to the same Errors object.
@person.errors.on(:name).add "Name is stupid!"
@person.errors.on(:title).add "REALLY now? A title?"
@person.errors == ["Name is stupid!","REALLY now? A title?"]
@person.errors.on(:name) == ["Name is stupid!"]
@person.errors.on(:title) == ["REALLY now? A title?"]
# So far so good yes?
@person.errors.add "I hate this person."
# ... is actually the same as ...
@person.errors.on(:base).add "I hate this person."
@person.errors == ["I hate this person.", "Name is stupid!","REALLY
now? A title?"]
# (note that :base errors always show up first)
# Now for something REALLY confusing!
@person.errors.on(:company).add "This person can't work at this
@person.errors == ["I hate this person.", "Name is stupid!","REALLY
now? A title?", "This person can't work at this company."]
@person.errors.on(:company) == ["This person can't work at this
# HOWEVER! == []
# ZUH?
When you go @errors.on(:company) we assume you mean there is a problem
with this particular association, NOT the company as a whole.
The comapny is 'valid', it's just that this person working there is
not a valid situation.
# To add an error to the company itself, you can (predictably I
hope) do this: "Company is not a legal employer."
@person.errors.on(:company) == ["This person can't work at this
company.","Company is not a legal employer."] == ["Company is not a legal employer."]
That's not so bad now is it? It also deals with adding errors to an
aggregate association (@person.errors.on(:friends).add) quite
Do note however, that if you were to dig deeper, you DO end up
modifying the associate object's errors:
@person.errors.on(:company).on(:name).add "Company name sounds
@person.errors.on(:company) == ["This person can't work at this
company.","Company is not a legal employer.","Company name sounds
silly."] == ["Company is not a legal
employer.","Company name sounds silly."] == ["Company name sounds silly."]
@person.errors.on(:company).on(:name) == ["Company name sounds
Seems reasonable that if the error is specific to an attribute of the
association it's not particular to just this association.
Also, the alternative would be a pain to implement. ;)
So yes, there are some complications here, but I think they are mostly
isolated to pretty useless / ridiculous edge cases.
Overall, Errors should be much easier to work with (due to their array-
likeness) and we can think of .on() as a simple filter for this array.
You should also keep in mind that manually adding errors is a MUCH
less common case then reading from them, and most of the confusing
bits from this API only apply to adding errors.
There are two reasons for making this a class:
1. Generating well worded error messages which include data only
known at validation time, such as
the name of the field we're validating, the validated value, and
validation config options (like max-length.)
- e.g. "{attribute_name} must be between {min} and {max} long."
- e.g. "{attribute_name} '{value}' is already taken by
- a MUST for internationalizable default messages (think word
order problems)
Having this behavior be isolated in a class gives us a lot more
power and control over the error message template.
2. Allow the errors messages to be more self contained, which also
makes them more 'portable'.
This means we don't need to have an error's +Errors+ object to
know what attribute it applies to.
We can also do neat tricks ilke send back the error template as
JSON with {attribute_name} left unrepalced
so that it can be populated from the *actual* HTML LABEL element
via JS (and it ALSO gives us a clue as to where
to which INPUT the error belongs to). We are already doing this
in our production app and it's VERY handy!
Basically, an ErrorMessage is a template string. Each ErrorMessage
knows what object and attribute it's for(if any), and what validation
generated it (if any).
Other then that - it IS a string (it inherits from String) - and the
'inner string' is the compiled message template. The compilation is
eager - as soon as the ErrorMessage is instantiated.
The template format is pretty straight-forward "It looks like this,
and some values are {replaced}" and "{replaced}" gets replaced with
the return value of a method named :replaced.
Basically it will try (in sequence):
Two important methods for self (i.e. the ErrorMessage itself) are
attribute_name (the humanized attribute name to which this error
message applies) and value (the attribute's value, which failed
As such, default validations are complete sentences. "can't be empty"
becomes "{attribute_name} can't be empty." (PS: Error messages are
sentences. Sentences end in periods (or some other form of
punctuation). Let's raise the standard for default error messages.)
Ok so that's the bird's eye view. Look through the source ( ) for details.
Tests, as I mentioned, aren't complete, but I have a decent start on
them, so feel free to look through those too.
PATCHES (better yet, pull requests) WELCOME!!
(comments are good too)