spotify ruby bindings has been updated to v12.3.0!

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Kim Burgestrand

Aug 8, 2012, 5:24:02 PM8/8/12
My Ruby bindings for libspotify, spotify gem, has been released with a new version!

During my summer holiday I’ve realised Hallon has been far too low-level to be useful. In light of this, I’ve begun making the Spotify gem itself less complex to use, without abstracting things too far. It now features automatic garbage collection by default, and even more types are automatically converted to and from C for function calls and callbacks.

I’d like to make Hallon more specialised and opinionated in what it allows you to do, and as such I’d also like to make the Spotify gem easier to use in case Hallon does not suit somebody’s need. However, it’s paramount that the Spotify gem retains it’s flexibility (in the sense it allows you to do anything).

I’m not sure what the future holds for the Spotify gem, we’ll see what happens when I begin reworking Hallon.

Kim Burgestrand

Aug 8, 2012, 5:37:49 PM8/8/12
Oh, one more thing. It no longer requires manual installation of libspotify. No more hacks for Heroku or Travis, it just works™.
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