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[ANN] Ruport 1.0, After almost 2 years!

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Gregory Brown

May 14, 2007, 11:21:07 PM5/14/07
to Ruby Reports
== Ruby Reports (ruport) 1.0 ==

It's been a long and wild ride. We're proud to announce that we're at
the end of our long list of feature requests and planned changes on
the 1.0 roadmap, and that with your help, we've beaten up the RCs
enough to shake out a lot of the major bugs, as well as fix some
surprising behaviors and minor annoyances. So, by some luck of the
gods, we've managed to keep our scheduled release date and Ruport 1.0
is now ready.

== We now have real web content! ==

We've fleshed out with enough info to get you started.
The front page explains a bit more about the project and points you
at all of our available community resources such as mailing lists,
wiki, etc.

If you're interested in some more release details, there are some
extended notes up there:

== Get it ==

gem install ruport -y

== That's all ==

I had contemplated massively long release notes, but I figure 1.0 is
only especially exciting for those who already are following the
project. :)

Please do stop by our mailing list and say hello (


PS: For some nostalgia, check out my first post about Ruport
(from August 2005)

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