Mongrel error after upgrading from Rails 1.2.1 to 2.1

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Bob Ngu

Jun 29, 2008, 12:29:47 PM6/29/08
to Ruby on Rails Windows
I recently upgraded my Windows XP dev machine from Rails 1.2.1 to 2.1.
While starting my existing app (I use Mongrel) it barfed and threw
this error
27:in`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- c:/ruby/lib/ruby/
init.rb (MissingSourceFile)

As it turns out all I need to do is go into c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems
\1.8\gems and rename mongrel_service-0.3.2-mswin32 to
mongrel_service-0.3.2-x86-mswin32 (note the x86 addition). Mongrel
runs fine afterward. Thought I share the tip.

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