Hi, all! 👋
I have an interesting dilemma!
I moved to a new city (Pittsburgh) 6 months ago, and of course a big thing on my mind was trying to locate the Pittsburgh.rb crew. There was a conference here before covid and while I’ve heard through the grapevine that there aren’t a ton of rubyists in town, I nonetheless wanted to put a feeler out.
Every single person I’ve spoken with in the tech community instructed me to “go talk to X” about it, where X is a local coworking space.
Now, I’ve talked to them. They “absorbed” Pittsburgh.rb a few years ago. And now it’s gone. And while they seem like nice people, they very clearly are not interested in resurrecting "Pittsburgh.rb" as-is.
The response is some form of “pittsburgh.rb is no more, but we just need someone to volunteer to give a talk, and we’d be happy to host it”.
It has a distinct gate-keeper-y feel to it.
But - there’s no ruby meetup activity anywhere. None. And, I’ve met with a few people who have expressed interest in participating! They just need someone to organize it. And I want to do it.
I'm weary of making enemies in my new town, or of stepping on toes unnecessarily. I’m very much a JFDI type of person, though. I have a keen sense that if I started posting “new ruby meetup in town” and picked a spot, these folks at X may be a bit offended.
Am I being too sensitive? Has anyone else encountered this type of dilemma before?
Thank you for your thoughts! Sorry for the wall of text!