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keep discussions going here in t he Google Group

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Feb 16, 2024, 7:28:39 PM2/16/24
to Ruby Meetup Organizers
There was some discussion today in the Ruby Meetup organizers call whether to keep using this google group or use the Ruby Central Discourse group. The prevailing opinion was to keep using this google group, as there's a bit of a learning curve with Discourse, and we already asked folks to join the Google Group.

If you're new to this group and happen to be seeing this through the web, note that email updates from the group will likely end up in your spam folder, so you will need to whitelist emails from the group.

Mike Toppa

Eric A

Feb 17, 2024, 11:12:42 AM2/17/24
to Ruby Meetup Organizers
On Friday, February 16, 2024 at 7:28:39 PM UTC-5 mike wrote:
The prevailing opinion was to keep using this google group, as there's a bit of a learning curve with Discourse,

Interesting. I've always held the exact opposite opinion. Google Groups always feels like a broken-down abandoned part of Google that they haven't quite shut down yet although it feels like it's only a matter of time before it joins the Google Graveyard. Meanwhile Discourse feels vibrant and modern. But I guess each to their own. 😂
and we already asked folks to join the Google Group.

Yep, friction in moving everyone seems like a perfectly good reason to stay here (at least until Google remembers they run this system and shuts it down 😉).



Feb 22, 2024, 8:08:51 AM2/22/24
to Ruby Meetup Organizers
Hi Eric,

Some folks from South America pointed out that Google Groups and how it works is pretty familiar across cultures, whereas Discourse isn't. Hopefully that helps with understanding the choice.


Mike T


Feb 27, 2024, 3:59:15 PM2/27/24
to Ruby Meetup Organizers
I am one of the people who commented on it. Since not everything is in stone, let's start with organizing ourselves and when we have something more mature or if we see that this is not working for us, we can migrate to another tool.
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